Stop removing portals

Just going to reiterate my previous comment:

1. Portal Rooms in every faction city (yes even the destroyed ones, maintain them with bronze drakes if you must, these are part of Cataclysm not BfA) The foundations are already there.

2. Must contain, in a logical chronological order:

  • portals to each other faction city
  • Hellfire Peninsula (NPC is already in current room, have them offer a port through dialogue)
  • Shattrath
  • Caverns of Time (Bronze drake npc is acceptable)
  • Old Dalaran
  • Jade Forest (until level 90, then it changes to Shrine)
  • Blasted Lands (Horde), Aerie Peak (Hinterlands for Alliance)
  • Ashran cities
  • Azsuna (New Dal is preferred of course, but it’s w/e at this point)
  • Dazar’alor / Boralus

3. Transmog, Void Storage, and Barbershops in every faction city. (seriously, how have we made it this long without these changes? I get Silvermoon / Exodar was half-butt’d but that just means there is plenty of free space to expand through)

4. Warmode able to be enabled in any faction city. (to help drive it home, Org/SW is not the only city in the game!)

You want the world to feel more alive, stop funneling us all into Orgrimmar and Stormwind. I would much rather be in Silvermoon, but it’s a one way trip if my hearthstone’s are on cooldown.

Happy Monday! or whenever you get back to reading this… hozen made storm. :wink: I’m off to put my 14+ hours a day freetime into my Switch instead of playing my 33 level 120s and constant bug reporting as I level through the old world!

(Edit: Since voting with my wallet isn’t an option as I’m subbed until 2021, I can definitely vote with my time played.)