Rearranging and Removing Portals

Here’s a thought… Enable the flight whistle to be used while in a flight path, if it’s not on cooldown.

Using the whistle while in a flight path would teleport you to your destination.

So you then have a choice, ride to the nearest flight master, and use the whistle for a shorter flight, -or- use the whistle like now, to return to the flight master and put up with a normal flight path flight.

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I like the idea with the flight whistle, it should be a toy that you earn somehow and use on all characters to portal you anywhere in game you need to go. Stuck somewhere due to some glitch in game or surrounded by mobs and you cannot move with out instant death? Use your flight whistle to portal you instantly to nearest flight point! Go one step further and let you choose where to go anywhere on the map!

Oh! Oh! My turn for a tinfoil hat moment! :grinning:

The destruction of 2 cities weren’t well received. (Mostly Darnassus) Maybe the lack of portals is to empty them out so they can, in fact, nuke them later and no one was ever there anyways to complain as much.


what a terrible thought! But, I could see that happening :frowning:


You know what would be nice,a world tour.Have a vehicle that can travel to places across the whole world.It may take time to travel but it would be a nice change in pace.

Yeah I still don’t get that at all. It’s one of the most iconic things about WOW and Warcraft in general as a property.

They didn’t think it through too thoroughly in their quest to be “edgy”, IMO.


Probably the best summation of the criticisms of their “changes,” “improvements,” and whatever else they want to call it that they’ve been doing to the game since wod to drive people away.

My only regret sir, is that I only have one upvote to give.

I think the basement portal room they made in Legion really made them edgy, and I see zero reason why they couldn’t incorporate those portals into the new and improved portal room.

They were very short-sighted in the development of these rooms because they were too focused on removing things instead of improving things.


I like teleporting.

I like things that makes sense.

3 days. I guess people were right, this will die down and get hidden :confused:

I will say with the removal of the portal to CoT, I’m getting even more burnt out on my mount runs.


I thought they were bringing that portal back. :confused:

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If you’re implying that the new portal room seems random and illogical… I’m right there with ya.

If, instead, you’re suggesting that the concept of portals itself doesn’t make sense… that seems a bit unlikely.

Certainly taking their time getting around to it. It will have been like 4 months by the time it makes it to live?


Just another thread pertaining to this started and I wanted to have a link in the ‘mega thread’


I tried to get to the blasted lands using the portal and the orc told me I needed to go to Shatt. I have completed all xpacs and I’m 120. Anyone know why this is happening?

I honestly haven’t played enough anymore to have tried looking for the old zones. I should try to talk to all those npc’s and see who does what and them maybe I’ll be able to answer this kinda stuff.

Another post explaining one of the dumbest decisions ever made. Boy you enjoy doubling down on stupid at blizzard don’t you? I mean, if I was in your family I’d be ashamed to be associated with any of you. You’d be the black sheep of stupidity.

Anyone there have any integrity left? any chance any of you have nuts to actually speak up at your meetings?..Obviously not.

Maybe it’s time you all started working at gas stations, because that’s the level of absurdity you throw at players and then get salty and butt hurt when you are called out. When are you people going to learn?

One day, those cardboard boxes will come, and you’ll be under that bridge wondering what went wrong, be sure to screenshot some of these comments and hang them all over the office, better yet, show your shareholders these threads and explain that it was their decisions that led to the downfall of a once great gaming company.


I’m going to be a bit reductionist here:

Tedium =/= Immersion


You heard it here first, Warcraft devs are going to be homeless because of portal changes. /S