Rearranging and Removing Portals

Yeah, but it’ll be the ones stuck implementing bad decisions, not those making them. They’ll have their golden parachutes and glide on into some other company thanks to nepotism and short-sightedness while the company burns in their wake.

Same as so many other company these days.


Okay! So testing this morning. Thrallmar mage just told me that if I still needed to get to outland that the etherials have opened a portal. Then his option is “I must report to the dark portal.” A little misleading but the etherials are the ones actually holding the Shatt portal open but he sends me to the Red Dark Portal which plops me in the … warspear??? That’s not where that used to go. Guess it’s because we nuked the one in Draenor.

I’ve talked to all the other NPC’s in this room and he’s the only one giving me the option to do anything. Means I can easily get to the Blasted Lands again I suppose. I have no Idea what level requirements or quest requirements are for this as I don’t play alts and only have this Priest.

For my alts, and others who have tested, the mage has no option. He only directs us to the portal.

Did you try the phasing with the bronze dragon?

Knowing if the portal is there after resetting the zone would help…but it still doesn’t solve the issue of they know there are phased zones, and they should just put the shatt portals back.

This thread has so many replies nobody will be able to see this post.
I love my mom !


Hmmm, no i never thought to check for that. I shall try this tonight!

But its right here at the bottom!

When I wanted to bring my level 60 to Outlands, the dark portal guy said I needed to take the Shatt portal.
When I tried with my main, she he had a portal.
When I tried with my other main on horde side, she was told to take the shatt portal.

When I play tonight, I’ll try it with my BFA boosted toon, and with another low level toon. I don’t think I have one at level 60 though.

I bet your mom loves you too

Last time I tried on the ptr, thrallmar mage was unhelpful.

I tried again last night… but… lol… it’s been long enough that my session had expired and (blush) … I couldn’t remember my WoW password


I remember it, just not which parts were capitals.

Couldn’t be bothered to reset it and just went to bed. :smiley:


Seriously why must you mess with the portals they were just fine

Adding another thread to the mega thread.

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I’m an altoholic and a leveler, so in the past I used portals more than most players. Most players have not visited Tanaris for 10 years. I visited Tanaris last week.

I LOVE the new portal layout. On both factions, I have a hearthstone to Dalaran, and a 30-second run from there to a portal room (Orgrimmar or Stormwind) with 8 or 9 portals. It is MUCH faster, simpler and easier than the old system.

If that isn’t enough, I can take the portal from there to BFA, instantly entering a portal room with another few cities in it.

How could it be better than this? It couldn’t.

It could be better with the old portal hubs still in place so players who are accustomed to using them could still continue to do so, and folks who prefer the new portal hubs in Stormwind and Orgrimmar could, of course, use those exclusively instead.

It may be simpler and easier for you this way, but for folks like me who are used to using other portal hubs and who prefer to avoid Stormwind as much as possible, it’s far less simple and easy than using the portals that I’ve become accustomed to using over the past 9 years.


It could be set up like the Druid’s ‘Dream Grove’ portal area which loads up FAST. I hate going to Orgrimmar because the loading screen takes forever.

It could have been created and the other portals LEFT ALONE, so that wyrmrest temple, old dalaran crater, karazhan, caverns of time were still accessible.

It could have included Thunder Bluff (or Iron Forge) instead of putting those portals only in BFA.

It could have had a portal to the shrines instead of useless starting areas in Pandaria.

It could have had a portal to Shal’Aran or Thunder Totem in Broken Isles instead of useless Azuna.

It could have been in the strategically vulnerable ‘main gate’ in Orgrimmar (not that I care about this but others do).

Heck the order of the portals IN the room make no logical sense, they seem to have been placed entirely at random. Not chronologically, not alphabetically… who knows what the order is.

The Thrallmar / Honorhold Mages could actually WORK for everyone instead of ‘just some folks, maybe’.

The art, on the other hand, agreed, it’s pretty ideal as is, no complaints.


So, I checked out the “I must report to the dark portal” guy for HONOR
(coming to why that’s emphasized so heavily in a minute).

Remember earlier how we talked about how it might be an issue of phasing, and it could be as easy as talking to the bronze dragon and getting it set to the right zone? Well, midsummer is here, and the other part of their promise (“you’ll get portals for questing!”) is definitely in effect for the daily that requires you to go to outland to kill that one mob by the other side of the dark portal.

Did the requisite phasing check, dark portal is of course a fancy shimmer curtain…so I talked to my old friend in the portal room from HONOR HOLD and where does he send me?

To the phased wod version of the dark portal.

/slowclap watcher

Please just unbreak this complete mess you’ve made.


i AGREE. In fact, get rid of boats and zeppelins too. We should have to normal-speed swim to Pandaria. Oh, and also like… walk on like a an outerspace interdimensional hiking path to get to Draenor.


Removing ways for players to freely move about the worlds you’ve created is a MASSIVE detriment to the game, and yet you’re insanely hell-bent on it, from Pathfinder to portal removal. I’m saying this as a mage btw. I feel bad for other classes. I can process some fur orders in my garrison, port to Pandaria for some daily rep quests, portal right to my Legion class hall to check on missions, port to Warspear (which is where I like to Bank/Auction House), port to Undercity to buy some heirlooms, port to Zandalar to quest/mission table… well you get the idea.

Anyway, I LOVE IT. I love the freedom to move about without the tedium of having to move through the world we’ve seen many times (i’m a new player and I already feel this way). Also, many vanilla content zones look like crap compared to Pandaria and later, if I could never ever see another cardboard cutout tree, I’d be happier for it.

Also, here’s a big FAIL. Legion quests for class halls and professions STILL REQUIRE dungeons and zones which were accessible by the portals you unnecessarily removed. Either remove the quests or bring back the portals… or are you really that oblivious to the plight of A) new players and B) ppl leveling alts through Legion content.

Freedom of movement = more engagement and exploration AND happier players. Can you be that dense to think otherwise?


Blizz really digs their heels in when it comes to updating old zones. I get the sense of nostalgia is a big thing they are betting on with players. Still some of these zones would be amazing if they put the BFA art team to work on them. People may spend more time in them while leveling low lvl alts. Now I am not saying put the guy in charge of redesigning the low lvl zones that made the madness of ‘roads’ in Nazjatar. They can keep the nostalgia by saving the little quirks of the zones and just embellish them.

I agree as well that giving people more venues to travel around the world is far better then funneling them into a single city. This is ‘world’ of Warcraft not ‘capital city’ of Warcraft. In this newest patch it is still a pain to get anywhere. I will be so very happy when I unlock flying. However it still does not solve being able to experience the entirety of what is available to the player with ease. Heck, I have heard some people are literally falling through the map if they walk down the stairs to the new additional portal room with Caverns of Time portal in it.



Blizzard thinks timesinks such as overloaded zones, dazed/knocked off mounts, extremely slow swimming speed, zones full of water, death inducing heights/removal of the ability to fly, all are a “replacement” to creating content.

Why create content that lasts, such as extremely long story lines, MORE FACTIONS/rewards, more zones, etc. When you can just add all replace content with trivial things like, pressing the num lock key and hoping you don’t die before you get there. Corpse runs take time too, so technically, you’re playing the game, running back to your corpse…

Which is also why they have reduced the accessibility of spirit healers in the world. Why be able to get to your body quickly, when you can spend the next 20 minutes trying to navigate this god awful mountain path, with only one possible entrance, in which your body is on a tiny jutting cliff rock.


I agree so much.

Along with that, how about an NPC in every zone that allows you to adjust the level scaling beyond 60? (kinda like the lady that lets you see old Undercity).

Maybe this NPC is not unlocked until you’ve reached max level in the current expansion’s content.

This way you can choose to level alts ANYWHERE you want. Of course that comes at the price of not collecting the latest mats, but it would make the entire map a LOT more relevant.

I have the feeling that such an undertaking -upgrading the graphics and “art” in all the old zones- is simply too daunting of a task though, with not enough payoff for Blizzard. We can dream.

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The undertaking and redesign is what is stopping them yes. Instead of Blizz problem solving while keeping old assets it is “easier” creating two entirely new continents! It be far easier for Blizz if players ignore/forget about old content so they do not have to find ways to keep old areas relevant/decent-looking (Silvermoon city still being an instance instead of literally on the map being one of those things). I am not a big fan scaling since well I like my alts to progress and get stronger as they gear/level. Not just have everything level up with me. I would like more max lvl stuff in old areas.


I kinda agree about scaling, I have mixed feelings. Then again, my idea gives you the option to scale a zone up or down.

I first started playing a couple months ago, and I did think it was kind of annoying that my ability to kill mobs got WORSE as I leveled UP. Whuh? Then again, scaling means you can stay in a place while questing and not have to leave halfway through a storyline cuz mobs are giving you 3xp.