I’m trying to get to Elwynn forest to get rolling on my Tides of Vengence stuff… but turns out I can’t get there easily. Seriously garbage Blizz. There’s no portal to the dark portal but I can go to Shattrath. There’s no portal to Karazhan either. Really unhappy with this change. It makes the world feel more cumbersome.
Absolute nonsense.
ESO has a freakin portal every 18 feet, and it absolutely is a FAR better game than THIS crap game is.
In ESO I can port IMMEDIATELY to ANY PORTAL IN THE GAME…and NO…its NOT a problem and DOESNT make the world seem smaller. WAY faster than flying in WoW is by 100 times.
Quit stoking egos, please. This was a STUPID decision that is ticking off too many players for NO GOOD REASON!
please just stop acting like this stupidity on blizzards part makes an atoms worth of sense…it doesnt
You starting that mental health crap again in here on another alt?
Its a game. If anything is unhealthy here its PLAYING it at all. travel has nothing to do with it.
And what are you even talking about ‘must be done’???
NONE of this crap had to be done NOR does it serve ANY VALID purpose.
AGAIN…ESO has INSTANT travel FROM anywhere TO pretty much anywhere…and I dont see a single person on their forums saying theyre quitting over it.
Its frikkin hysterical to keep hearing these people begging blizzard to POINTLESSLY WASTE their game time.
Just how boring is ones life where TRAVEL time is somehow ‘immersive’
It is.
No REAL player of this game can be this ignorant of how the game works.
The one who didnt seem to comprehend what farming is and how the PORTALS being removed affected farming was a dead giveaway that its NOT real players.
Yeah, I’ve thought this all along but I have been guilty of buying tokens and boosts years ago; Only within the past year and a half have I gotten wise to ActiBlizz’s ways.
You would think after playing this game for 14 years casually without a break I would have learned my lesson years ago.
They’ve been getting progressively more obvious in their practices, like much of the gaming industry. Frankly, at this point I’m just waiting for the big crash.
It’s bound to happen. The sad thing is that a lot of honest people will be hurt by this.
I mean, think about the music department and the art department. When a crash happens, they’re going to be out of work. And they’re innocent of the jerkish moves Blizzard has pulled.
We have.
Three subs with tons of extra money spent for 19 months shot right down the drain over some stupid portals and Activision childish, controlling ways.