Rearranging and Removing Portals

Blizz this change wasn’t needed at all. Literally nobody was asking for them. That’s why people are upset. You’re spending time changing things about the game that aren’t problems. There are many other things in the game that actually are. Your post does not indicate that you are aware why people are upset and that’s the most troubling thing about this.


its ok man its kinda hard to accept the fact the old days when wow used to be to have fun and enjoy it are long gone we keep hoping that they will see they are screwing up and fix their ways… we all been there.

then one day you just can take it and say enough and try something else (another game in my case or a break in others) and you see that you can live without playing that game anymore… before it was like cutting your arm now its just a small ouch…

trust me from a guy that played hardcore this game for years I never expected to just stop playing and not feel some kind of withdrawal…

but here we are I have not logged in 6 days and even with the new patch out I am still not… feeling it to log out of FF14 and log on wow… its weird and at the same time refreshing…


So true; Corporate greed in upper management; Even give themselves bonuses and then layoff hundreds of good employees.

They probably haven’t even read this thread in days lol.

Hopefully you’re enjoying FF14. We’re still gamers at the end of the day, and if WoW isn’t meeting your needs, I hope that you find another game that meets it.


It’s funny because a large number (if not most) of the people that are annoyed by this change prefer the open world. They aren’t sitting around in town waiting for queues to pop. They’re out in the world, doing things. Holidays, farming, achievements, whatever.

They just don’t want to waste time they didn’t have to waste before this change. They want to spend that time doing stuff in the game, not passively traveling somewhere.


To be honest I know what you mean.
It’ll be nice to wake up on tuesdays not having to wonder if that $60 boost I just paid for hasnt been made pointless because they just nerfed my class into dirt like theyve done twice to me already.

and leaving the bootlicking ones like the ones that made this thread and the other that has 5k also talking about this subject…

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Active Play, Doing Things in an Active manner. That’s good game design. That’s how you keep players engaged in the game. Also, rewarding players is how you keep them engaged.

Anthem is learning that the hard way right now. Apparently there is a boycott over them focusing on “player engagement” and “time played” type of metrics and not making the game actually fun to play with decent rewards.


Yeah,one just posted on the other thread .I guess they got bored of talking about classic wow in the ptr forum…I’m watching :eyes:

It’s crazy how many people claim to be unable to grasp that simple fact. Or they take the attitude of “you’re already doing something boring, what’s a little more boredom?” which is just as annoying.

But then, in a thread complaining about the next chunk of the war campaign being being a 2 day long mission table, I saw a “2 days, big deal” response. So…I guess there are people who really don’t care how much time Blizzard wastes, so long as the raids come out on time.

That is the sad thing I love wow with all my heart I remember doing the impossible to be able to raid with my group or to be there and log and have fun… my ventrilo used to have people all the time back in the day talking about anything not even wow related as we would play and do a dungeon or something… that is the thing there was always something to do and you wanted to do it… you did not need a high item level reward to be “forced” to do something…

I like ff14 and enjoy it but I do feel a bit sad that wow has gotten to that point where you say guess its not for me anymore…


Part of Anthem’s problem appears to be that they released the game with just enough content to keep it going via time gates while they made more content. Which I feel is Blizzard’s problem now, too. They’ve all jumped on the minimum viable product/we’ll shove it out the door and fix it later mindset.

Ok Dumbledorf here, just posting on the toon I started with here in case there are any around that remember me.

Long ago we had 2 guilds one for leveling and the other for raiding, A website, 50 man vent server, The works, It wasn’t the greatest guild but we had FUN, I’ve invested a lot in this game as I know many have.

Hate to see it go down the tubes due to their time metric corporate greed B/S but it’s time to move on.

See those of you in ESO as I always use this toons name wherever I go.

Peace! Out! aka: Dumbeldorf, Bubbadaman, Mojohojo, Rattletrap, Fiddlestyx, Spockenstein, Yäomólièrén - Garona Server.

Later all!


Anthem may not be my cup of tea, but the scuttlebutt is here. If Anthem doesn’t succeed on a smashing level, EA is going to devour them and spit out the bones.

With talk about a boycott happening, things aren’t looking promising.

There is a point where any group can simply forget about what truly matters. They lose touch.

I mean there are political groups these days that were created for just and honorable reasons. They have become little more than another group pushing a radical agenda nothing like what their founders intended.

Blizzard has definitely lost touch with their original dream and vision. It has mutated into something that we the players can’t recognize anymore.


I suppose I ought to log in sometime and check some of the new things out. I just got so frustrated trying to get one of my younglings over to Hellfire (and then running through piles of alts trying to figure out the “rules” for using the NPC to port there) that I burned out.

Honestly, a 2-day mission table deal wouldn’t bother me that much because I’d just do something else in that time. Whether or not I did it in WoW would be the question.

The funny thing is, remember when they touted bfa? They said that the table would be “optional”.

Pathetic how fast they go back on their word.


My issue is mostly that I could swear Ion said they weren’t going to do the “main story locked behind mission table” thing anymore, yet here we are.


hmm,should and see if i have it.

It is very sad to see that the makers of this game have lost touch with their customers. The game has a lot of potential. It almost feels like the people who are developing content are more focused on what they want out of the game vs what their paying customers want. When businesses do this, they lose in the end. The makers of this game should also consider the fact that the people posting here represent a much large group who, when dissatisfied, don’t openly complain, they just choose to go some place else.