Rearranging and Removing Portals

Ha, yeah they aren’t going to post anything. They closed off all communication to wait out the storm. Which wont end well for them, because this storm is only the users who check wowhead / forums on a semi-regular basis. Tuesday will be a great day. :wink:


I certainly hope that’s the case. Imagine the entire game on these forums about this lol.

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Well, like most of Blizzard’s rules for our behavior, the Code of Conduct is pretty vague, which means it’s most likely up to interpretation to some extent. If, for example, you and I were having a playful back-and-forth calling each other names, I might cop a suspension for that.

If I appeal it angrily, that tone will inherently carry over to my post, making it harder for the reviewing moderator to believe that I was being playful.

If I appeal expressing confusion, but with patience, and explain the situation as clearly as I can, it’s more likely that the moderator reviewing the matter will see my side of things.

They might still leave the posts deleted, but they’re more likely to trust that I’m not lying to them and am typically a kind and respectful member of the community.

It would have to be in the games/hardware forum, that’s always where they move topics about other games.

All the dreamway ports work. That’s nice.

If anyone wants to start that thread I would be happy to wander over to it as well.

Both portal threads ultimately changed into reasons why we should play FF14, ESO, or even GW2. I’m still neck deep in Breath of the Wild and have Let’s Go Eevee to finish too, but I’m sure I’ll be checking one or all of those out assuming I don’t just give up on MMO’s all together.

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There is Reddit as well. There are probably numerous smaller venues. There are people who are simply talking with their friends and not posting.

For every customer that complains, there are a good number who don’t complain and simply leave.

Because people have been conditioned to believe nothing they do can change things.

Yet we’ve proven that is wrong at least twice with Blizzard. The RealID fiasco where they planned to make everyone post under their real name. They realized how bad that was. They listened. Flying. Less than a month after they said “no more flying ever” and suddenly we have “ok ok, here’s the details on flying becoming available!”

They DO listen. It just takes a metric ton of HEAT under their keister to make them realize when they’re wrong.


I’ll start one over there I guess, if anyone’s interested.

WAY too much of THAT!
Absolutely agree with that much at least and its very much an intentional thing and they know it.
I run forums. I own forums. Ive been adminstrating forums since they became a thing and Ive never seen anything like this one.
Id never sit watching every word someone is making ready to pounce on the ban button like they do here.
It must be quite exhausting to be that controlling.

If anyone’s interested in talking about some other MMOs, I got a topic started in the gaming/hardware forum.


During the time in which WoW went from 10 million subs down to 5 million subs in a landslide … how many people actively complained on the forums? Certainly not 5 million.

Think about that. They lost HALF their playerbase, and we certainly did NOT have 5 million players telling the forums why they were unhappy.

Unhappy Vocal Customer that sticks around vs Unhappy Quiet Customer that quits.

You can work to save the Unhappy Vocal Customer. At least they’re telling you what’s wrong. The Quiet customer who quits? You never know what made them leave.


Oh I’m well aware of that, I already cancelled my sub when I saw that the half-baked patch from PTR was going live, and left my reasoning as a mixture of the portals being removed with poor reasoning and Zandalari moonkin’s not having a /dance, granted much more wordy since they give us 500 characters.

I’d rather the patch been delayed another week so they can address the issues instead of pushed out unfinished, highly controversial, and all of the devs going into hiding.


give it time, Im sure they’ll find a way to need to make the world 'bigger’and screw over druids too.


We’ll see lol. If they remove these portals, anything to do with travel is in jeopardy for sure.

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I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration (okay, more than a bit, but I digress).

All I’m saying is that, presumably, moderators are human beings. If someone suddenly comes at you with hostility, even in text, it’s going to cause one of two immediate reactions:

A) Confusion.
B) Lack of empathy.

A is pretty uncommon for most people. Typically, if someone starts yelling at me out of nowhere, I immediately stop caring what they have to say, or at the very least my perception of their credibility is diminished.

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Do they ever realize theyre wrong…or do they simply finally figure out the math is working against them and figure the $$$ losses will be too great ?
Pathfinder comes to mind. Keep the spiteful part while not running off the entire player base.


I wish it were.
how many times you been suspended?
Trust me. Ive have been a few times and running forums and having my own moderators that Ive had to chastise Im quite familiar with how the game goes.
Ive seen the very same thing in here that I saw years ago when I left a couple mods run a forum for a couple weeks only to come back to a long list of bannings they had dished out over THEIR biases.

Like I said…I deal with facts, not someone who feels theyve been wronged mental state.

That has always been my major complaint with the current WoW team, nobody can ever admit they’re wrong, that they made a bad decision, or read the situation incorrectly. There’s never an apology or an attempt to get a compromise. It’s just “this is how it’s gonna be, and if you don’t like it then you’re wrong”. Which only works for so long and will ultimately, if left unchecked, kill this game.



…More than you might expect. I’ve had a three-year perma that only got removed because I wrote a very nice request for it and promised I’d be nice.