Rearranging and Removing Portals

This is a clear attack on ALL of us who have 50 alts.
I reported it yesterday and its still there while mine was removed.
yeah…no bias at all to see here folks.



Well, anyway. I know the behavior having had to deal with my own overbearing mods on one of my forums.

MY rule is if it aint a threat then just put them on ignore and leave it. Im not banning half my users over some stupid words because it gets heated.
If they threaten someones safety, then yeah…ban and contact law enforcement.


I feel out of place, I only have like 21 alts, must be slacking

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To be fair, ignore isn’t a thing on these forums yet. :man_shrugging:

Watch out. You’ll get attacked here for that lol.

Yeah…I forgot to :roll_eyes: about that in that post.

I suppose I would be attacked for saying I am sitting in Shadowmoon Valley near my shipyard fishing for achievements too, heh.

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That’s almost something as annoying to me as the portal removal. But I can ignore folks the good old-fashioned way, too.

Looooool. Sadly that is so true in this thread.

Nope just replying and expressing the last straw and how I have lost trust in this Grindfested Time Metric Game that I once loved has become.

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I did not bother with the fishing shack stuff while it was current, so why not now. Stream up on the TV, watching this post and fishing shrug

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What have I missed?

Between my accounts Ive got at least 50 now and Ive deleted so many that I leveled to 60 that I lost count.
I have way too much free time on my hands.

Fishing is wonderful for when you just want to relax. I still need the ray from BFA sadly.


mostly just my whining and some trolls :joy:

Sounds about right.

Anything crazy happen? I saw some talk of bans and suspensions.

yeah…this has got me a bit irritated now.
Nothing I posted here was THIS offensive yet it remains.
I think Im done here for real this time.
There are 100 other places for this discussion where THESE mods arent in control.

You all have a great evening.


I wanted to upgrade the fishing shack to level 3, but you need the Draenor Angler, so I need 100 of each enormous fish. So you have to get the achieve for all those enormous fish before you can catch enormous ones in the garrison, lol. imagine that . .

Eee, that is a bad one. I swear, these forums are moderated on the most obtuse and arbitrary rules sometimes.

(replying to you about the quote so as not to feed that troll)

Yikes, I have 33 @120 with a plotted out 48 on a spreadsheet. I didn’t get to finish that goal, but it was my decision to do so. Damaging to my mental health is quite the opposite, it helps overwhelmingly and I largely equate WoW as the reason I’m still here.

As a disabled vet with ptsd and literally nothing to do all day except feed and bathe myself, I need a game that will consume drastic amounts of free time to keep my brain occupied and off of problematic memories. Professional help and medication only goes so far, I need games like WoW, or Bethesda games, or BoTW currently.

Not everyone’s situation is the same as theirs, so it isn’t their place to make such awful comments and Blizz needs to remove that stain.