Rearranging and Removing Portals

Man, I can’t wait for my new computer to arrive. You all are making me want to give ESO and FFIV a try.

My other MMO right now is SW:ToR. Love it, but I play it in spurts. Winding down now after playing the heck out of it for months because I’m disgusted at this crap story Blizz handed us.

Oh and #saveourportals


But you didn’t know you didn’t want portals until they forced it on us. :smiley:

You did have a mod banhammer someone who was trying to educate the Classic board about how engine changes will influence gameplay since Classic is using the Legion engine. Guy even got proof from another mod that no reason was given and he had no prior history, so it’s not like there’s no precedent for it happening. Mods just lie about it when they get caught abusing their powers.

To think this is happening because they can’t leave things that don’t need “fixing” alone and instead are ignoring the classes that are still broken. “Yeah, it’ll be done in time for next expansion. Have you considered playing Blood DK in the meantime?”

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How is that game? I’m leaning toward FFXIV but I’m still looking around?

It has its issues like any game. Combat can be a bit clunky, but the story is top notch. Every class has its own storyline along with every planet you visit. Not everyone has liked the newer expansions. Me, I liked them.

Right now, it’s suffering from a smaller team of developers. Content is slow at the moment. There is supposedly a new expansion coming, however. A new player does have a lot of options at the start - 8 classes, etc. It does have player housing but the hook system is not the greatest. The transmog system is good, too.

The FtP version is really restrictive and even Preferred can be a bit of a pain. I’ve kept my sub up to keep everything. They really encourage you to sub and spend money. The credit cap is way too low with the rest being put in escrow.

But, if you just want to play the story, grabbing a 1 month sub to get everything and letting it lapse is not a bad idea.

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Question. Did they remove portals from the Druid class hall?

That’s a good question, but I doubt it honestly. If I had the PTR installed I could try it out. Maybe I’ll install it to see.

Err… well, thinking from their point of view:

• This person has expressed contrition for the violation. They might change their ways.


• This person spent two paragraphs telling us we’re full of it and swearing left and right. …Probably not indicative of a future change in behavior.

Way back when I met my wife on a forum there was a mod that inserted himself into a theological discussion we were having.
He was into one of those really weird cultish kinda groups so I decided to just ignore him rather than fall for his baiting me.
he keeps it up for like 3 days and finally I told him Im going to his superiors, which we all could do if the mods were harassing us.
BAMM…locked my account and banned me before I could even get to the page to report him.
Abuse is a common thing on forums like this and it is VERY rare that the uppers in charge will actually keep the mods in line.


You know, I don’t want to sound nit-picky or anything, but I think all the conversation about other games ought to be in its own thread. It would make following either conversation (the portal one or the other games one) a lot easier. Plus (and this is just a guess) a separate thread about other games might get more attention than the conversation about them hidden away in this thread.

This thread is supposed to be about the removal of portals in WoW. I personally have nothing against these other games, but I’d like for Blizzard to focus on fixing the issues with this one.


Yeah, I agree. I was going to say something but I didn’t want to come off as rude but I feel like I should have lol. Not calling you rude just to clarify. :smiley:

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At the point it happened however, they had already suspended me a couple times for the exact same type of thing.
By the third time IF the suspension was actually legit, youd think theyd not have lifted it under any circumstances.

Does this mean someone is going to start a thread about games to play instead of WoW? Because that would be rather amusing.


Maybe. I’m just saying, the age old, “You’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar,” axiom isn’t wrong. Especially when you’re asking for lenience or expressing confusion, anger just doesn’t go over as well as patience – and that’s regardless of any personal history.

removing my portals sucks.


Update on the druid portals in their class hall. Unsure 100% what portals are supposed to be there as this is just an alt, but there is one to dalaran.

Agreed…but either it was a legit suspension or it wasnt.
If someone came to me and was really agitated and not being nice but they were RIGHT, Id deal with the facts, not their emotional state.

Im half expecting to see the dreamway ports removed too.

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Yeah, well, you know what else catches more flies than vinegar?


Blizzard taking out the portals is da poop!


Well, honestly, I think they should. I don’t know anything about these other games (other than the bit I’ve seen here) but a separate thread would allow for a better and easier to follow conversation about those games.