Rearranging and Removing Portals

I’ll do that.
If Im going to play FF14 Im going to have to get used to the anime anyway, so I may as well dive in.

I’m big into anime but even I’ll admit there is a lot that is low quality garbage. I just remind myself of a single fact. Anime is as diverse as Hollywood. And Hollywood is also full of absolute garbage that needs to be put into the wood chipper.

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I highly highly recommend My Neighbor Totoro. My brothers and I watched that movie hundreds of times when we were kids.

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Knowing what genre of regular film you like might help me make a better recommendation for you if you’re going to be getting your feet wet.

Do you have any favorite movies? If so, what would you say are your top three?

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So is “We want the world to feel bigger” going to be the new “You think you do, but you don’t” or “Don’t you have phones?” ?

Feels completely out of touch with the player base.


My main concern is that there be some in-game means of getting directions. Guards at each continent’s hub need to give directions to every other continent.

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Point taken. It would appear that both of you went down that slippery slope!

“We’ve seen over 5k replies on a thread saying we’re wrong…”

Me: hmm, is this the moment they’re going to admit they’re screwing things up?

“… But I’m going to re-tell you all that we’re right again! Enjoy!”

Me: y u no throw us a bone


There will be a portal to Shattrath in the new Portal Room.

Wowhead has updated its main travel guide for 8.1.5, for those interested;

I would wholeheartedly agree with that. Either make it in option in every city guard’s dialog, or have an informational NPC in the Portal Room.


yeah…wow…my list of likes is so diverse id not even know where to start.
I guess maybe the current Marvel universe series would possibly be up in the top there somewhere.
I like a LOT of strange cult movies…Rocky Horror from the 70s…Nothing but Trouble with the saturday night live cast. Old Bela Legosi stuff. All sorts of various, unrelated movies.

Rocky Horror Picture Show! Friend coerced me into seeing that. I was groaning the entire movie. One of these days I’ll get the courage to go see it when it airs live. Which from what I’ve been told is an experience in and of itself.

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Just in time for the Zandas to level up.
:rofl: Player engagement times.


Apparently Zidormi, who was supposed to replace the port from Old Dalaran to CoT is being removed… lol… A wonderful “screw you for ever thinking you could work through this” from blizzard.

It’s like they’re reading this thread and getting angry, and making more changes to piss us off even more.


:+1: Here have a thumb (NPC directions need improving)

Hm. Sounds like lots of camp, then. That’s a difficult one to work with, since camp varies heavily based on the culture creating the media. What’s campy in Japan might only be annoying here, and vice versa. It’s also difficult to recommend something campy and trope-subverting if you don’t have a lot of experience with the tropes themselves.


While I hesitate to recommend anything episodic, I think you might enjoy this:

How about Aggretsuko on Netflix? A nice slope of Japanese life with the weird campiness of death metal karaoke.

no, i definitely understand. the old 70s original I can see most not liking at all. There is a newer remake that Ive never seen that might be better for some viewers, not sure.

I love old Errol Flynn movies, tons of old black and white low budget stuff. B movies of any sort. The cheaper the budget, the more I usually end up liking them.
Probably why I have a hard time picking a favorite.

“Death metal karaoke”
Hocksy spews coffee everywhere.

Elvira made mad money off of mocking the low budget films. Don’t know which version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show I saw. I just know it was non stop groans and laughter.

“Let’s do the time warp again!”

We used to have a theatre that had a double bill…Song Remains the same and Rocky Horror same night (separate rooms, different crowds). The costumes were fairly amazing and we went to see RHPS and blew our minds because of the audience. They acted it out in front of the picture etc and audience participation was unreal.
Fun times.