Will Patch 8.1 XP % Per Level Satisfy Everyone?

But it won’t speed it up for levels 10 through 39 if you look at the graph below of what was reported on WoWHead those levels are actually getting an increase in XP so it’s not going to give us back all that was lost. (See Below Graph)

The difference between 7.0.3 and 8.1.0 PTR experience is as follows:
Level % XP Change 8.1-7.0.3
1 0.0%
2 0.0%
3 0.0%
4 0.0%
5 0.0%
6 0.0%
7 0.0%
8 0.0%
9 0.0%
10 5.0%
11 10.0%
12 15.0%
13 20.0%
14 25.0%
15 30.0%
16 35.0%
17 40.0%
18 45.0%
19 50.0%
20 51.1%
21 52.0%
22 48.0%
23 44.0%
24 44.0%
25 42.0%
26 40.0%
27 38.0%
28 36.0%
29 34.0%
30 32.0%
31 30.0%
32 28.0%
33 26.0%
34 24.0%
35 22.0%
36 20.0%
37 18.0%
38 16.0%
39 14.0%
40 -9.8%
41 -10.7%
42 -11.0%
43 -11.1%
44 -11.4%
45 -11.5%
46 -11.6%
47 -11.9%
48 -12.0%
49 -12.0%
50 -12.4%
51 -12.5%
52 -12.6%
53 -12.9%
54 -13.0%
55 -13.2%
56 -13.4%
57 -13.7%
58 -13.8%
59 -14.1%
60 -39.9%
61 -42.9%
62 -46.2%
63 -49.2%
64 -52.2%
65 -51.9%
66 -50.7%
67 -49.4%
68 -48.1%
69 -46.8%
70 -45.9%
71 -45.0%
72 -43.7%
73 -42.0%
74 -40.4%
75 -38.8%
76 -37.4%
77 -36.5%
78 -35.0%
79 -34.2%
80 -32.9%
81 -32.0%
82 -31.2%
83 -30.3%
84 -30.0%
85 -30.0%
86 -32.1%
87 -31.3%
88 -30.5%
89 -29.8%
90 -31.7%
91 -31.1%
92 -30.2%
93 -29.5%
94 -28.9%
95 -28.2%
96 -27.3%
97 -26.7%
98 -26.0%
99 -25.3%
100 -25.0%
101 -25.0%
102 -25.0%
103 -25.0%
104 -25.0%
105 -25.0%
106 -25.0%
107 -25.0%
108 -25.0%
109 -25.0%
110 -25.0%

Also WoD mobs still hit like a Mack Truck in ptr so that area still needs adjusting the NPC’s item level maybe to be more in line with the player.