Rearranging and Removing Portals

Guys stop taking the bait. This pair likes to argue just for the sake of arguing you are wasting your time even acknowledging their posts.
If you see their name pop up do as I do and just scroll past it.


I haven’t read a single thing they’ve said in a long time. They provide nothing to the conversation and basically relish in the fact that Blizzard is taking things out of the game like we deserve to be inconvenienced for some reason.


Rankin posted examples of the huge disparity between NOW vs 8.1.5 for travel time (just to CoT).

Yeah, its not much on an individual level. But if you’re a collector, you’re running it on probably half a dozen toons to maximize your chances.

And Blizzard RELIES on that. They rely on people running content multiple times. It’s how things are done in WoW. Repetition and lots of it!

Which means anything that makes you spend MORE time per “cycle” is simply unpleasant and unwelcome.


All my friend that used to play are happy with this change and coming back to WoW, finally its the change that everyone was waiting for.

Say no one ever


Careful, someone may quote you and edit out the last part to create a false message.

So i just noted that they removed the only portal to outland

how the heck do you go there without doing a Mesopotamian adventure? like for real? travel to draenor and try to find a portal there to send you to outland?

Thank go i managed to get the toy to send me to black temple, but jesus, why? its nonsense.

There will be a portal to Shattrath. Ergo, Outland.

in the new portal room? i didn’t seen that in the notes from wowhead, thats at least a relief.

Ive said it a few times in here…total lack of empathy by some.
They dont deal with something personally, so they cant feel out someone else does about how it affects them.
Lots of projection, additionally, which frankly is a bit disturbing.
Id love to get a real psychologist in here.

Course the mods would ban them for ‘trolling’, no doubt, since they have a clue what trolling is actually defined as.

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“please blizzard acticraption, remove flight, portals and anything that makes your 18 expansions and massive world now impossible to navigate…WOOHOO!, now we’re having fun!”

You got me :rofl:
I thought you were actually serious there till the end.
Kudos :grin:

Lol if that’s what fun is then I’ve never had fun in this game.

Because it is a small, struggling indie company.
Flips hair

Well, theyre going to lose more hours played than they gain.
They’ll figure that part out in a few months when a long list of subs have been let expire and people like myself and some others in this thread have decided to move on to some other game and wait this crap out until the person who replaces ion and much of the current dev team decide to actually LEARN from the previous employees mistakes.

oh yeah. I saw that last night while posting here and playing FF14 on the upper monitor. I wasnt paying attention for a few minutes and when I looked up to the game it had turned night time.
Seriously fantastic graphics.
If I can get around that anime look of some things like pets, I should be fine.
I do detest anime, though, so this is going to be a struggle.
The game play is frikking awesome so far, though.

Why does senpai hate me desu?

My youngest daughters fiancee has a big youtube channel. Jesus…pulls in 6-10 grand a month on it. At least he was for a long while. I think he started getting lazy and lost some sponsors, though.
But its about anime crap. ick.
I watched a video or two and felt like I needed a shower :joy:

Well, while I’ll concede that a lot of what’s churned out by the industry is touchy-feely garbage intended to sell merch… there are some gems you should check out. Basically anything directed by Miyazaki is a good start – Ponyo, Howl’s Moving Castle, etc. And the dubs for those are usually not bad, if you don’t like subtitles.

If you’re looking for something that will completely throw your expectations in front of a speeding train (as well as your emotions), watch Grave of the Fireflies.

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Agreed. Lets all just ignore the known trolls here and any new alt ones that pop up. Easy enough to figure them out.
Theyve already said they like the change or at least are ok with it.
They dont need to repeat that 800 times.
WE are trying to get something done here, not stroke egos at Blizzard Activision for their controlling ways.


Actually there was a spreadsheet comparison done on what the experience increase was at 7.0 and then at what Blizzard was giving back at 8.0.1, See the below from another thread where it was actually an increase for levels 10-39; and also other areas.

Blizzard gave the illusion that they were giving back xp gain when in reality what they were giving back was a drop in the bucket of what they had added.

Here are some examples. Note the difference between 7.0 and 8.1.

1 0.0%
2 0.0%
3 0.0%
4 0.0%
5 0.0%
6 0.0%
7 0.0%
8 0.0%
9 0.0%
10 5.0%
11 10.0%
12 15.0%
13 20.0%
14 25.0%
15 30.0%
16 35.0%
17 40.0%
18 45.0%
19 50.0%
20 51.1%
21 52.0%
22 48.0%
23 44.0%
24 44.0%
25 42.0%
26 40.0%
27 38.0%
28 36.0%
29 34.0%
30 32.0%
31 30.0%
32 28.0%
33 26.0%
34 24.0%
35 22.0%
36 20.0%
37 18.0%
38 16.0%
39 14.0%

Level 40
7.0 = 95,700
7.3.5 = 133,980
8.0 = 123,280
8.1 = 86,300

Level 50
7.0 = 134,300
7.3.5 = 188,020
8.0 = 182,480
8.1 = 117,700

Level 60
7.0 = 254,000
7.3.5 = 254,000
8.0 = 254,300
8.1 = 152,580

Level 70
7.0 = 405,000
7.3.5 = 405,000
8.0 = 337,060
8.1 = 219,090

Level 80
7.0 = 482,000
7.3.5 = 482,000
8.0 = 431,440
8.1 = 323,580

Level 90
7.0 = 596,000
7.3.5 = 596,000
8.0 = 542,590
8.1 = 406,940

Level 100
7.0 = 657,000
7.3.5 = 657,000
8.0 = 657,000
8.1 = 492,540

Level 110
7.0 = 717,000
7.3.5 = 717,000
8.0 = 717,000
8.1 = 537,730

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