Rearranging and Removing Portals

That is one that most people have been upset about

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Words I never thought I’d see in the same sentence. Truly.

I don’t think even one person here would be surprised if that were the case.


I didnt mention that years ago a little movie theatre here would play the Rocky Horror movie every Saturday night at 11pm.
Was like that for years.
We use to go maybe once a month for a long time.
It was great. Like a big party. Everyones saying the lines, singing the songs and throwing rice in the wedding scene :grin:
Itd take me most of the next day to get all the rice out of my hair :rofl:
That definitely made the movie a lot more fun to watch.

Frankly I hope so. It’d expose exactly what Im thinking is true…that most of this IS just an ego power play by ion and the dev team and has nothing at all to do with making the game better.

I knew a guy many years ago who got a kick out of making his dog sit perfectly still just because he’d say so. No reason for it. Wasnt teaching the dog anything remotely useful. Just got a kick out of tormenting the dog.
When he had kids, he carried that behavior right into family life.
Turned out to be a horrible father and a worse husband.
Wasnt actually that great a friend. Well, thats an understatement. I dont want to even mention some things he did in here.

Point being that I think much of this is a personality thing…not a ‘whats good for the long term health of this game’ thing.
Personality issues pushing their way into business decisions is rarely ever a good thing for the business


11k plus post 2 threads 99% negative…Blizz says shut up and give us your monies.


The way this is setup with the legion portals below Dal working if you’re on the artifact questlines will be easily abused. I lose nothing swapping over to another toon now of the same class as my main since I already have the artifacts unlocked on the main. I can then power lvl a toon, keep my appearances, and just never complete the artifact quests. I can keep the artifact quests in my log though and boom free portals that 99% of the rest of the player base won’t have access to.



Hush, Blizzard will decide to say that you failing to complete it is an exploit.

That and you’re being Logical. Logic is forbidden when it comes to dealing with Blizzardo decisions.


I’m buying a pack of “Not your father’s rootbeer” and some popcorn. I’ll sit down on Tuesday and watch the forums catch on fire.


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It’s been like that for years. You can probably still pickup the "End Time quest, get a port to that dungeon, exit, and there you are in the CoT.

Oh no. Don’t say that. It’s going to be nerfed 100% now lol.

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Fun was detected.
Fun was removed.


Just like the portals being in game lol. No fun allowed. :smiley:

This game is far too massive to keep restricting players travel. Youve basically ended flying (worst decision in gaming history) and now youre going to take away our ability to get to various hubs throughout the worlds to time gate travel even more?

This time played metric that your bean counters like so much is a poison that has turned into a full on cancer and will kill your game if you keep it up.


And then apparently they added some content or farming to MoP…then are REMOVING the easiest portal to get us to MoP


Fine. I can go have fun in one of a dozen other games.
I did without WoW for 13 years of its existence.
leaving it behind doesnt change my life in any way.
they want to be controlling…they can keep their game.


This is because they can’t come out and say that they need population in specific areas because they are being measured by that metric.

This is true, so it contradicts both the “traditional” argument and the “consolidation into one spot” argument.

Someone posted specific data up above a few posts. It is time for you to do your homework instead of complaining about people not doing their homework.

Exactly. Most people focus rep on one specific toon unless there was a reason for rep on other toons. But I guess that is what Blizzard wants people to do now, farm rep so they can get something that was in the game since before Cata.


I can’t wait to farm rep on all my alts. I hit the reply button too soon on my last post lol. :smiley:

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yeah…that aint happening.
They dont do their own research. And I wouldnt do it for them.
Ive provided enough to support my own assertions, but a couple of them keep trying to pretend its not there.
Just ignore them at this point. not worth the wasted time and energy.