Rearranging and Removing Portals

Can’t argue with that. Your right. I don’t understand why blizz basically listens to no feedback. In wrath I get it. Your king of the mmo world making crazy money and growing. But, now when they are struggling to maintain subs why fight the community at every turn?


oof, wouldn’t that be nice? either a teleport at the end or the addition of the green eye would be nice. some places, such as forge of souls, aren’t even worth farming since you have to run so ridiculously far back.


Or just an exit. So many instances have dead-end hallways that could easily be turned into exits once the final boss dies.

I still love the convenient exit path plus speed boost the Blood Furnace provides at the end.


so Activision/blizzard you’re using Metrics as a form of measuring the proformance of players in your game.This system is flawed by many means,one it’s is only an objective system of measurement as it can be made up or influenced by out side idealism.This is well known in the scienitific community.

But you are forgoting the human factor of this metrics,numbers don’t show human emotions,its compassions ,it needs.You developed this game at the beginning with love and compassion then in turn you allowed others to love this game.This is your first principle for your game.But with love and compassion you listened to your players and in that they returned to the game many more times over for that emotion. Can that be the measurement you lost over the year? It could be.Can that compassion be returned to the players? i can only hope but it is still in you Activison/Blizzard.And guess what? It wasn’t in metrics ,it was in the heart which doesn’t need measurement.So start listening from there first.


I’ve been trying not to bring other games into the equation, but FFXIV has something that I think would work really well in WoW.

If you are in a dungeon/raid and you use what is basically your “hearthstone” equivalent in that game, it sends you back to the beginning of the instance. You can still teleport out because they have waypoints you can travel to at a cost all over the world.

Maybe something like a “return to start of instance” toy? Could be a really neat achievement reward.


That and things like the skip pleasantries in the Tournament were insanely wonderful ideas and I wish they’d have been utilized more in the content that followed and added to prior content!!


Remember, your opinion is not a fact. Stop acting like it is.


I don’t think flying needs to be turned off during incursions, but they could easily implement in-game mechanics (wild idea, I know, having an in-game mechanic instead of an arbitrary “no” from the devs) to slow, ground, or outright dismount players from flying mounts.

One of the mantid areas in MoP was infested with swarms of small insects that would sting your mount until you landed (or the mount despawned). I’m sure they could come up with flak canons, a gnome/goblin anti-flying field, or something similar for incursions that would make landing the sensible decision (and enable us to keep the rocket boot incursion quests).

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Two come to mind. Flying and RealID.

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After viewing the video on YouTube today and reading the post, the portal room and the portals make more sense. However, I am still of the opinion removing all the portal seems odd. However, if I can jump back to Orgrimmar to grab the one I need to go to I will be ok.
With that said, the Jade forest is still a bit odd since the Vale is still loved by most even if after 6 years we still have not seen the grass grow back after planting the tree. :slight_smile:
Thanks for the update.

If anything, I understated it.

When this hits live…

You won’t be getting flying. Guarantee it.
Devs have a perfect excuse right now to carry forward the WoD plan to remove flying permanently. As a PvP server fan who loves flying, it is an excuse I despise, as most WM right now is just encouraging the bad parts of wPvP.
“Flying should be off in WM” - random flight path campers filling the forums right now.
“We have decided to remove flying from the game now as we cannot have WM off flying due to technical reasons.”
coming soon and adds to my reasons for leaving which all revolve around the devs habit of “removing players’ freedom of choice” and the hypocrisy involved.


I don’t think most people realize how much gold is thrown away on Flight Paths.
For example:
The average flight path cost in BFA is around 5g.
5g x 4 (number of WQ to do if you do the emissary dailies) = 20g per toon
20g x 5 toons ( a realistic number to do per day) = 100g
100g x 365 days per year = 36,500 gold spent on flight paths alone.

Now if we had the old ways of obtaining flight, 5k per toon upon reaching max character level. You would spend 25,000 for 5 toons.

36,500 - 25,000 = 11,500 extra gold out of your pocket with the “new” flight path mode.

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That how i feel too on the matter.

Hopefully I do this right on my phone, but…

They do listen.

I’ll give them until after it goes live, so the folks who don’t check PTR, coming news, etc can give feedback.


Nah, I don’t even think it’s about that.

I think it’s about two things:

  • Ion’s Hubris

Ion stepped in to big shoes, and it’s been his drive from day one to “make his mark” on the game by changing up fundamental systems to make the game what he wanted it to be. The original developers started with “a vision” but they were pretty open to putting in things and systems that the players wanted, all kinds of different content and quality of life changes that different types and styles of players could enjoy, which was something that made the game hugely successful. Ion has one vision of the way that things should be, the vision of how things were when he was a high-end raider in Vanilla, and we can all just go with it or get lost.

  • The time-spent-in-game #engagement metric

When Blizzard started bleeding subscriptions due to a variety of factors, missteps in Cataclysm and the beginning of the shift of the overall game industry away from high-end PC gaming and MMOs, they needed to be able to report something to investors beyond profits that outlined how well the games were doing. They were okay seeing that the game was still turning a profit, but how does that translate into how wise it would to be to invest in the long term?

Enter reporting metrics in terms of how much players are #engaged with the content, how much time people are spending actively logged in and doing stuff. Investors don’t just want flat numbers, though, flat numbers are bad! What they want to see is growth.

Blizzard has shrinkage in every other way that they can do nothing about. They can’t raise the sub price or risk a mass revolt. They can’t make people spend more on microtransactions without adding things to the game that would give you an in-game advantage for cash, that would likewise absolutely decimate their playerbase. They’re doing what they can to lure people who quit back and keep the subs they have by tossing in Classic and promos like the pirate ship mount for 6 months of gametime, but the only surefire way that they can directly cause “growth” is through time played, and…making…everything…you…




Neither is yours… that’s why they’re called opinions.


What video did you watch? I would like to watch it too. Thanks!

Sure you did.
Your opinion here is irrelevant.
You dont need the missing portals and your argument that they arent needed is confirmation of that fact, therefore you have no clue how it affects those who do need them.


they do listen sometimes…but posters such as tarc and a few other alts here are certainly certain that they AINT going to listen…this time.
And the blues responses are pretty much agreeing that they HEARD but are clearly IGNORING the complaints about a few portals to nowhere important.

They cave on flight and other bad decisions only to lose a bunch more subs over THIS petty crap.