Rearranging and Removing Portals

Oops, didn’t realize an acronym with a letter representing a curse word would get my post mildly edited and then locked from being edited again. Yikes. XD You can tell I don’t use the WoW forums for anything any more (though I came back for this debacle).


We should be talking more about the sheer laziness of Blizzard in regards to travel up to this point. You want to talk about immersion-breaking issues?? How about the fact that you now have Zeppelin towers that don’t even HAVE zeppelins anymore, but portals. That the way you have dealt with the issue of updating certain zones is to plop down a bronze dragon with a toggle switch in her dialogue. That your current idea of “making the world seem bigger” is to once again, for the umpteenth time, shovel everyone and their mother into one section of Stormwind and Orgimmar, making about a half-dozen other cities completely useless in the process. How is taking a flight path from Uldum to Gadgetzan and then flying south making the world bigger than having your hearth set in the Shrine, porting to Nortrend Dalaran, and then porting outside the Caverns (where you STILL, by the way, then have to spend at least a minute getting to the bottom)?? Nothing about the difference in the two methods I described changes anything about the game but the fact that one of them takes 5 minutes longer than the other. So the only reasonable assumption is that is, in fact, the goal. To make certain things take longer.


Yeah they don’t mess around anymore. I said the c-word once (the one in between poop and the big S-word) and it got edited out. It’s not even a cuss word!

These points are SO IMPORTANT and I’ve never thought of or seen them in this thread so far, thank you for your contribution.


Which means the obvious workaround to not having those portals is to never finish the quest that uses the portal. Thereby you’ll always have it active for that character. Until Blizzard realizes this creative use of game mechanics and makes further dumb changes to alienate their playerbase.


Stop feeding the troll. Tarc has argued from both sides of the feedback issue in the past. From stop giving feedback, it isn’t a way of voting (which it isn’t and nobody was saying at the time), to customers’ giving feedback deserves an escort out the door of the bar, to now.
He is only here to stir you all up while he has no customers to serve drinks to.
Still waiting for my whiskey sour by the way. :sunglasses:
(Disclaimer: he has made a ‘few’ good points like people not understanding that ‘gold to pay subs’ is not ftp.)


At least it means my post was read! Hopefully. :wink:

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Except I believe he misinterpreted that post. A game can be run on a F2P model without actually being free to play.

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Woot had a like to give for this.
Here have a thumb as well.

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I agree! For example: If I wanted to get to Shat quickly, I would hearth to New Dal, take the portal to the Shrine, then port from there to Shat. I have then gone to two extra (old) locations that reminded me of a bigger world.

With the new portal changes, I will only go to SW to take a portal, completely eliminating 2 jump spots – the trip to New Dal & the Shrine. I don’t get that brief moment of “oh yeah, I remember this place.” So it might be quicker in this example, but it certainly didn’t make the world feel “bigger”. It is now much smaller because I can totally ignore and forget about all the other cities. I will also forget about old content that I would like to go back & explore or poke around in. It is now just current zone & SW. Bam! Two places. Two is a small number. Four is twice as large.


Yes. If anything though Wow has turned into a ‘pay to win’ game.
Buy tokens to pay for carries in raids/dungeons/arenas/rateds.
Tradechat is full of the spams.
To say nothing of the ability to move ‘money’ back to bnet accounts and out from there.

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We’re going to hit another 5k posts at this rate. Who wants to bet they give us another lame excuse when we hit it?

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Nah this time they’ll just let it grow. They’ve already given their reasons for this change. No amount of feedback on a forum will change that.


Some do, and they do so rationally and maturely. Those are the ones I will tend to interact with more. The more vitriol that one composes their responses with, the less likely I am to engage. Kinda how life works, y’know; honey and vinegar and flies and all that.

When you respond to others, you get enraged

There is a a marked lack of truth to that statement, which is so easily disproven with a simple forum search. There has net been a single instance of a “enraged” response in this topic, by me. There have been plenty directed at me, with liberal uses of the word “troll”.

Now, really, try discussing the topic, and not the person, flattered though I am.

The sad part is that is so true. :frowning:

With enough of an outcry I think it can change. The whole no flying thing in WoD didn’t last. But maybe I’m just being optimistic.


I loved being able to get from the Shrine to Shattrath and Northrend Dal during timewalking weeks, and I frequently would go, “Well, since I’m right here in Pandaria, I should go kill the Sha of Anger and Elegon and see if either of them will drop their mounts.” That’s a bigger world and more time for their player engagement metrics, right there, without the devs having to do any additional work.


Your feedback was heard; they literally said that. But just because you are heard doesn’t mean your opinion will be accepted.

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It did last, though. Their “compromise” was to give us flying way later in the expansion than they should, and gate it behind all sorts of things that shouldn’t require it. It’s even worse for players returning to the game–pathfinder is weirdly MORE difficult to get for WoD/Legion than it was when it was current content.

The fact that we don’t have flying yet if we’re exalted with the current WQ reps (outside of incursions, which should have anti-flying imposed because “flak cannons will nuke you out of the sky or whatever”) is absurd.


I used to do that a lot, too. I would often run old raids for transmog if I happened to be nearby doing something else.