Rearranging and Removing Portals

One post.

1455 achievement points.

Zero raid achievements.

A 375 neck.

…how long have you been playing? A week?


I’m not sure if I speak for everyone, but it is more of a case of not listening to players when we ask for changes, but you change things nobody asked for.
Players: The way Azerite gear works is clunky and unfun. We don’t like getting upgrades and losing previously unlocked traits.
Blizzard: We are removing old portals.
You constantly drag your heels on changes that are constantly asked for (Azerite gear is going to be fully unlocked in what, 8.2) but are seemingly quick to come up with these absurd changes to portals. The portal room is a nice idea, but old portals served as a handy way to get around for those who used them. You can add content to the game without taking content away. Are you removing flight paths when you add BFA flying in 8.2?


Flight in warmode would be better if you could battle while flying. Obviously more difficult for melee, but casters would have a blast (pun intended). Also, remember the quest in Storm Peaks where you had to jump from 1 mounted fighter to the next? They could do that for melee classes battling in flight. With the chance of failing and falling to your death, of course. But that would be invigorating and make for some epic fights.

He basically said that removing the portals is a bad idea.

I’m not a fan of Preach, but I agree with him on this.


Playing FF14 right now. Really good game so far.
if FF14 has something that would benefit the players of WoW, rest assured Ion and his kind will go out of their way to make certain that it NEVER sees the light of day in this game.

If it helps the investors make a few more $$$, then sure. He’ll be 110% in favor.


The same can be said about you by someone else who disagrees with you.
You know that…right?

So because I chose not to purchase BFA because its been a mess of a dumpster fire, I now get the pleasure to have the content I do have access to becoming a slog as well. I don’t understand the need to make this game worse in areas it doesn’t need to be but I guess for consistency? As if there weren’t enough complaints of how this game wastes people time you sought out to waste more.


It was the one they posted yesterday.
For the alliance, all the portals will be in one area in the mage tower. No more flying across SW to get to Dalaran portal. That one was so annoying. The
Horde one will require getting adjusted to it’s the new location.
They talk about the portals closer to the end of it. Actually looks nice.

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Too bad your opinions aren’t even remotely based on facts or logic. You’re just here to be contrary and annoy people.


And just think…with their history of pulling this trash EVEN IF they recant today it’ll just be some other controlling, pointless crap storm tomorrow.
No point in continuing till Ion and that sort is removed from the equation.


JI never said or implied my opinion was fact. It isn’t. We view change to the game based on how we play it.

Tarc may see this as a negligible change others don’t. I don’t. IMO, this is just another lame ploy by Blizzard to increase time played metric.

I would rather Blizzard create content instead of increasing travel time where you are only a passive observer.

Argument from authority is a fail every time.

Argument from authority is a fail every time.

Reread his post and then tell me that.

How does he know what is wrong with the game?


This is another “Oh snap” that Blizzard shouldn’t overlook. If I could have UN-purchased this crap and just stayed 110 until 9.0 or whatever, I would have. Now, as Hananami points out, this is bringing ruin on the gameplay of people that use shrine and other means of transport, who have no intention of even screwing around with BfA.

What a wonderful smell you’ve discovered, Bliz.


Yeah the choices they make are crazy to me some times. You would think they would focus on things to remove or not add to any friction points given the current sentiment around, but nope, still with wild random things that make an already frustrated group more so.

Makes me think of the GCD issue when people were already super frustrated playing their neutered classes lets make them feel even worse to play.


RealID is one.
Flight was a financial decision made after the fact. They ignored feedback for over a year on it.


I could probably give you 20 things that I feel are wrong with this game. Are you going to scan my profile too? I get that it’s low hanging fruit and incredibly tempting though.


Anyone see the new survival guide video? I find it hilarious they left out the portal room. no mention of it whatsoever. I feel this was on purpose to try and save themselves from another dislike bomb lmao

Remember that one time when the guy from Paramount said something to the effect of, “Sir your idea of ‘Star Wars’ isn’t a very good one and I’d rather not have Paramount release your motion picture.”

I’ll bet he’s thought about that conversation a few times. Like the meetings that took place during WoD regarding flight…

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Dont care either way.

“I am the epitome of what is wrong with this game”

From a guy with one post and no game history to show he even PLAYS?
