Realm-wide gold! Please?

So here’s the thing. You aren’t allowed to sell in game items for real world money, TCG cards aren’t in game items, they’ve always been sold for real world money so you’re fine to buy the stuff from ebay or wherever.

Blizz isn’t going to protect you though if you get scammed so you better be sure you are buying from a legit source lol.



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as long as there is an opt out feature - I don’t want my bank character having access to gold max

I don’t imagine that they’ll do account-wide gold. Just periodic increases to the cap.

And this marks the 10th time I’ve suggested this :laughing:

You want this to be an opt in feature because you wouldn’t want to just change something like this and players not realize they have to opt out :+1:

yeah, I can’t see them doing it either but if they did I would want to opt out

I am not sure why you are spamming a thread on renown in this one talking about gold.

It must really suck sending a hundred gold coins back and forth…
That’s my my bank alt keeps 100k, my main keeps 50k, my alts with 20k, and ballpark half mil in the guild bank.

Personally I just find it easier keeping the bank alt parked close to the auction, if I do need to actually by product.
Easier to mail, than getting from Oribos to the AH… not that’s it’s hard, but really my toons rarely have business on Azeroth.

The post is about making a Character Alliance on your account that gives characters in the alliance access to “stuff”. Renown is the topic we were on when I came up with the idea but it can apply to lots of things like server wide gold or account wide rep or server wide 1000 slot reagent bank or anything you can think of that would be great if it were account wide :slight_smile:


I think none of that would be great account wide. Gold is very different from those other things since you can already transfer it to other characters.

That’s the excellence in it, if you don’t like it you just don’t put your characters in your Character Alliance and nothing is shared and the game is the same as it is now :]

no, that is what would make people quit the game - I certainly would. I am not making things harder for myself than I have to, but I don’t like account wide stuff so bye bye wow to solve that problem

Manufacturers warning from Kaurmine Inc: Idea’s never account for people that don’t want other people to have things that don’t affect them


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Because creating a way to move massive amounts of gold from one server to another couldn’t possibly be a bad idea.

You can already bounce, what, 10.5m raw gold over for the price of 2 tokens, or 380k?

I have 31 alts and i have never ran into that problem as i keep 5m+ ballparlk on 1 toon so that i wont even have to mail it :slight_smile:

Agreed. I do a lot of prof shuffling on my characters, just mail 100K gold at a time or whatever you need. Then don’t worry about it.

Sweats nervously on my bank toons with millions of gold :eyes:

Why not add a shared bank slot that could work along side the current system. You deposit gold, crafting mats, consumables (i hate having to mail around flasks/feasts/runes/pots/stones/oils etc) and they become available to all toons on that server.