You’d not impress eve players lol.
Its not a real battle till it hits $15K these days (converting isk to plex to U$D).
Hell I called one ship the space turd. As to me…it looked like a turd. Turd at the time was like $12K at least.
You’d not impress eve players lol.
Its not a real battle till it hits $15K these days (converting isk to plex to U$D).
Hell I called one ship the space turd. As to me…it looked like a turd. Turd at the time was like $12K at least.
All currency should be account bound
I actually don’t know why you are derailing this thread with your issues and why you would think this is an issue that wouldn’t affect me is beyond me.
At the risk of derailing this thread further. If blizzard gave me the option of getting mythic raid gear mailed to me according to you, it wouldn’t affect other raiders since they could always just go and do things the hard way.
Suggestion for a solution not a derail.
How does others having account wide rep affect you?
We aren’t, no worries.
That was never a suggestion, good job pulling something from out of left field
this went out the window when they made Plate Armor DPS as squishy as Cloth Armor DPS
No. You are playing a character not an account.
And this is not Quality of Life, it is I Am Freakin Lazy.
And what do you want them to replace that play time with?
Another complication on an end game system for everyone to cry about?
I’m afraid it’s been sooner than that.
This just makes a gold sellers job easier