Realm-wide gold! Please?

Il l carry the extra gold for you so you don’t hit cap :sunglasses:

why not crafting mats too.

ROFL that’s funny. I got both tigers back in WoD for 400k each. Wth happened :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, where’s this from? I thought that they were going for quite a bit less.

Been sitting on a few tigers for almost a decade but haven’t really kept up to date with pricing.

You should totes give me one. Just sayin’

As time goes on things become more rare and the price goes up :laughing:

That is until Blizz adds it to the in game store for $25


Alright this makes me want to ride my tigers all the time now. “look at me! I’m riding on $9000!”

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Yeah, that’s why I hadn’t really paid attention to pricing. Plan was to buy every TCG mount, plus a few extras, then don’t look at them for a decade. Well, I got bored and used most of them, aside from the tigers.

That is the risk that has been at the back of my mind. And the game just actually outright dying, but that seems kind of unlikely.

I got mine for I think 250k in MoP or WoD :thinking:
There was a time when supposedly TCG stuff was being duped, Blizz says dupes can’t happen so I don’t know, but I bought mine off the AH so I felt safe with the purchase and it worked out. Maybe it was a real one and someone thought that it would never go up in price so they just posted it for what everyone else was selling it for :man_shrugging:

do it. if you sell you get banned so… DO IT. bet you won’t.

… what are you talking about?

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I’d even be ok with this. I usually play all on the same server anyway, so this would work for me.

What did he mean by this?

I have no clue.

post #26 shows a shopping cart next to a real-world currency symbol.

that violates the game rules, resulting in a ban.

why does this need spelled out?

This would be a nice little change.

OP, I have a rule. If the alt can’t support themselves then they can’t have any fun! When I make them, they get 2k gold and some bags and then they are on their own. All have learned to support their own habits (good and bad)!

… because you replied to me and said do something and you bet I wouldn’t because I would get banned?

I said I was going to ride my tiger… not sure how that would result in a ban.

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You’re allowed to buy the card, though, then redeem it in-game.

You’re just not allowed to buy the item itself after it has been redeemed (unless it’s for gold).

But that’s not relevant, as Tovi (I believe) already has the mount, and just feels compelled to more frequently ride it after learning how much it’s currently worth, which is why we’re both confused as to what your post meant.


TIL my old carved ogre idol is one of the most valuable items in game.