Realm transfers

You say that like its a bad thing.

It actually does exist. It’s called a PvE server. You flag yourself for PvP and can only attack other players who are flagged as well.

Oh wait does PvP get disabled when that happens? Nope sorry still PvP. Just because people want a “fair” fight you will never get one in WoW. WoW is a PvE game first always has been always will be. You can never balance all the classes, specs, and player count. You want fair go to Overwatch.

It is. I enjoy pvp and world pvp. It’s a shame to see what could have been an amazing experience for world PVP in phase 2 completely botched and turned into basically just the horde killing the same 5-10 alliance players just trying to do dungeons. Which that would even be fine if the alliance had the numbers to defend themselves.

Cause numbers alone have always shown to prove who wins the fight…

You are still missing the entire point. You take the little snippet of text that you can manipulate to try and prove your point.
No, pvp is not disabled. No, the game is not always fair. No, the game will never be perfectly balanced. That does NOT mean that blizzard hasn’t done a piss poor job of faction balancing, and that does NOT mean that the current state of the game die to that is fine or even acceptable. It is on the company to keep some semblance of balance. Now quit cherry picking and actually argue my points.

You do understand that almost everyone who made this version of WoW don’t work at Blizzard anymore right?

What?.. Was that a point? So because “numbers don’t always win a fight” the faction balance is totally fine and the horde haven’t been raid ganking the alliance without a fight? Got it

Realm Transfers have already been enabled.
On your character selection screen, just above the character list there’s a red button to allows you to “Change Realm” at no additional cost…

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ITT: the people who rolled on a PvP server to gank lowbies are upset that they got ganked.

There probably should be a disclaimer when you try to roll a toon on a PvP server to be fair.

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Hey you make your own debate man in the end do you win the battle inside yourself.

Again, was that a point? What was your goal with that comment? So they just all of a sudden are relieved of all responsibility?
No. The people working there now launched the game. It doesn’t take a genius or some vanilla veteran to figure out a way to try to balance factions. Literally would take a forum post to check with the community the best method (if the community as a whole even wants it) that is least disruptive and a meeting. That’s it.

Oh crap comments require goals?..brb…kicks down friends door…dude wtf you didn’t tell me WoW forum posts needed goals!!!..flipstable…okay back

And they’re restricted by faction on his realm, so he can’t use them.

And only you can help prevent forest fires.

PVP in open world is about who has the most numbers. That’s it. It always has been.

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This is a lie. I have seen the massive tree burn and couldnt prevent it.

That was your fault for not having your super soaker on you. You killed all those squirrels

Alright I’m sorry I didn’t mean to lash out and put those squirrel deaths on you you didn’t deserve it

They had free transfers from your server to others you should have took it.