It’s not only that there is zero structure, it’s that there is an actual incentive to play the game that way. Wpvp was fine before p2, but now there is a big incentive to kill anything that gives honor.
best quote ever
Which is why I made the suggestions to begin with.
The quickfix for that is easy and won’t change the mechanics or rules of PVP for us who likes it.
Blizzard could open a limited time transfer(Paid or free, it does not matter) from PVP to PVE servers. That way they are putting the thinking on the players. Do they want to change from PVP to PVE? What are the consequences? etc.
It won’t change anything for PVPers, we are already loosing players due to either Rerolls or people quitting. With those transfers you create a retention by letting players keep their characters. (Some people don’t have the time to play 2 hours all day).
It’s easy to start saying “I told you so” once things happened but remember that before classic went out. There was a LOT of posts about PVP servers being the only way. It must have influenced people a lot.
We can love PVP and not being jerk and give moral lessons to people who made mistakes rolling on PVP servers. People that does that are really selfish and pathetics.
Again, bullsh!t. One need only have looked to see that people weren’t willing to play Alliance on PvP servers in nearly the same numbers as Horde to know that it was going to be an utter sh!tshow from the word go. Doesn’t matter if they waited another month to bring out phase 2. Whenever Honor came out, it was going to be a bloodbath.
If you were so concerned about it, you would reroll Alliance and help to bolster their numbers. But you aren’t, not really. You like to say you want world PvP, but you don’t want to be on the losing side. Accept it. Own it.
There was never going to be ‘an amazing experience for world PvP in phase 2’, because the players aren’t the same as they were back in 2004. One need only look at how PvP goes on Retail or on Private Servers to see that anyone who thought it was going to be some glorious PvP experience like they nostalgically remember from their glory days was LYING to themselves.
I mean, if they haven’t seen what every other PvP game in the last decade has been like, so they know what to expect from modern players, then that’s really like having a warning label on your space heater telling you not to take it with you into the bath. Sure, a warning label is a good idea, but the Darwinist in me says to leave it off, for the good of the species.
I saw the massive tree burn, and I helped!
I agree please open PvP to PvE free transfers
OP: I’m 51horde priest on Fairbanks. I feel for ya.
Last night I was running through Felwood and my faction kept shouting out “ANY ALLIANCE SEEN? COORDS?” I came across a group of my fellow horde just running around killing the “3-4 allys x,y(coords)!”
I saw 2 alliance and I knew they wouldnt stand a chance so I didn’t spam their coords, live and let live. BEFORE phase 2, I often would run by opposing faction and wave at them, we even did an escort quest together (twice)… I feel for you guys. As I was in Felwood watching the gross outbalance of my horde kill the Alliance I thought “Better you than me.”
Wish Blizz never put out the stupid honor system until they fixed the balance.
Personally I wish I had rolled alliance, just because I never played that side, yet my brotehr (who quit classic) persuaded me to join this server/faction to play with him (which now he quit so I have no friends).
I am new to lvl50-60 classic content so I can’t just fly through it unfortunately.
I will say that I was ran over by Alliance last night trying to get into MARA a few times by salty 60Ally campers… So it does go both ways. And I do feel sorry for you. I have 1 HK and that was me killing a lv48 over there by MARA 1v1.
Im sucha trash noob
maybe they could let Horde on our servers who are frustrated with no alliance to kill change factions. FREE FACTION CHANGE to fix server balance?
We can still be civil in this discussion. No need to flame each other.
Not on fairbanks. Fairbanks has horde only transfers therefore I’ll have to give up on my level 60 character and start fresh on another server to avoid a 70/30 imbalance.
I think the biggest reason there’s a large outcry is that layers made the worldsize cut in half or more. I wasn’t getting ganked by a full raid group of horde, instead it was at manageable levels that you could actually get a group together to go stop. Now you can’t muster enough alliance to stop anything because even if you got all the alliance on the server there’d still be 3x as many horde unfortunately.
Blizzard will have to find some way to fix these really unbalanced otherwise it seems that all the alliance is leaving across the board. Just go to Ironforge dot pro and check the all time vs last two weeks. All of the imbalanced serves just has the minority faction go down.
If they did that, Fairbanks would turn into a PvE server with Alliance being rare mobs that drop honor.
So dumb when horde (majority faction) say ‘pvp happend on a pvp server.’ People enjoy pvp but 70/30 on such a massive population is a stomp in all high lvl zones. Alliance literally has to organize raids to stand a chance vs pugs in a zone. Its a shame horde can’t see that such a massive imbalance on either faction side kills the server.
This just in: Pvp on Pvp server happened.
Later on this evening: Water is wet.
The Honor system is a bigger factor to the situation than layering . Horde didn’t really camp like that until there was an incentive to do so.
Enjoy farming no one then… The Horde lose if the Alliance quit.
Talking to your average Horde player is like talking to a 10 year old.
Except water isn’t wet… so there’s that…
You are trying to be smart but you are avoiding his main issue. You need to read and respond slower with a more accurate answer. No Vanilla was not this bad. He is talking about the huge imbalance in faction population. Not pvp being an issue. I was there when Vanilla first launched and never had these kind of issues.
Again mentally you guys don’t understand the issue and how much of impact it has already had. Read slower and respond slower with more intelligence.
I love that.