Realm transfer fees from low pop servers are insulting

What do they give you to say such stupid things?


Blizz allowed it. If you give a retarded kid a gun and he shoots someone, its all on you. You should know better.

This right here. The only balancing mechanism is queues. It’s 100% avoided just by having more layers. There’s zero reason to not all be on one server.

That could have been steered to less damaging results by a team in charge overseeing day-to-day operations of running an MMO.

Which blizzard failed to put resources into doing. Partly at fault if you ask me idk.


What a remarkably idiotic response.

Blizzard’s core focus MUST be their customer’s experience. Due to an almost countless number of bad decisions on there part, people are forced to PAY Blizzard extra dollars to try to fix their own experience in the game.

That is absolute bullcrap. It is ABSOLUTELY Blizzard’s RESPONSIBILITY to fix the issues that cascaded out of control into this mess of consolidation that we see now.


You seem upset

You seem like a clown.

Bump to merge low pops


Structural also means design.

Think of phase 2 in Vanilla. The game became virtually unplayable for the minority faction on PvP servers. You might consider that a player-caused problem, but Blizzard was literally offering BiS gear for people who spent hours every day griefing other players. Basically, Blizzard bribed you to ruin the game for the opposite faction.

The horde who camped Searing George, forcing alliance to ghostrun 5-10x just to get into BRD, were acting 100% rationally. Even if they didn’t like doing it, they felt like they had no choice.

You cannot blame players for acting rationally. I wasn’t mad at the people selling boost runs. I was irritated by Blizzard for not nerfing boosts(and for selling level 58 boosts).

Players naturally congregate on large servers. The only reason we didn’t all pile onto the same server was because there were queues. Also, in original vanilla there weren’t cross-realm BG’s until pretty much TBC. Which incentivized balanced servers and kept the population more spread out. There really weren’t “megaservers”, and the population difference between the largest and tenth-largest server wasn’t that great. Plus the big servers had queues.

Benediction currently has about twice the alliance population of any other PvP server, and about six times the average alliance population, while also having no queues. All while the bottom 20 servers have become virtually unplayable for alliance(and increasingly so for horde).

Coming from the private servers. I remember when Elysium opened a second server, Zeth’kur, to alleviate queues. No one wanted to roll on it because everyone understood that everyone would want to play on the bigger server, and that Zeth’kur would eventually die(which it did).

So what did Elysium do? They merged Zeth’kur into Elysium. Which is exactly what they should have done. The only difference between Elysium and Classic, is that Elysium didn’t charge money to transfer so they actually fixed problems instead of trying to make them worse.


They should offer free transfers off dead/dying servers and then close them.


You ever talked to people on these realms? I did and almost unanimously none of them would take a free transfer even if it was offered. I spent some time talking to people on a server with literally one guild per faction and they mostly seem to like it that way. Some seemed amenable to a merger of the low pop servers but even then that was somewhat contentious. It’s like telling people in a tiny town in Wyoming they’ll be relocated to a city for free, but we’re bulldozing the town. Even though most people like living in more populated areas… many of the people in these small cities like living there. Same applies for small servers apparently

Why would they give up all that transfer money?

Aside from the fact that this is just a completely insane thing to suggest… you really think if they were doing this someone wouldn’t catch it? OF COURSE THEY WOULD…

You people…

Well, how would you go about detecting if someone is spoofing logs? And not just for themselves, but for 39 other players (since the faction imbalance started in Classic). Meaning, there’d be no cross-checking via comparing logs from various raid members.

Like, I’ve looked at the combat log text file…it’s nothing special.

And, ya, I know it’s highly unlikely.

You really think the way people pore over logs if there were raids running with magical and inexplicable damage buffs that no one would notice? Also you realize Blizzard isn’t made of up robots… riiiight? The problem with conspiracies is you need to have everyone onboard and keep them that way. So if they were running 25-40 employees through MULTIPLE raids constantly for the express purpose of skewing logs then SOMEONE would definitely have blown the whistle on it… People come and go from Blizzard all the time, especially at the Gm level. Theres just no way if this was going on for years like you allege that not a single ex-employee would have mentioned it… even IF somehow no one noticed a bunch of GM’s with crazy buffs in the logs.

Its just not happening. Period.

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I know. that’s why I said “part of me”.

In truth, they don’t need to artificially create the need to transfer (by making it look like a realm has a certain faction spread). Players are doing a way better job at that.

The most they need to do is just open up free transfers to select realms to force a skewing then close those transfers and charge money to leave said servers when the spread shifts dramatically.

That, by far, is the most ingenious method. Not only do you look like saints for opening up free transfers. But then you can sit back and go “it’s the players” when the faction skews to one side. Meanwhile anticipating roughly what percentage of the now out numbered faction will pay to transfer off.

  1. They don’t want to play on a megaserver, but they don’t want to play on a dead server either.
  2. In Wyoming you may not have everything in your town, but you can always drive to another town to go to Walmart or to the hospital or whatever you need.
  3. Blizzard wouldn’t have opened an entire server for one raid team. Plus those raid teams can’t replace people who quit. Small servers are mostly used by botters and gold-sellers who can farm virtually without competition and transfer the mats to the megaservers for big profits.
  4. Offering free transfers off dead servers doesn’t mean everyone is forced to play on Benediction. And regardless of what these people might say, if you offered free transfers off, they would take them. A lot of the talk about how great small servers are is just cope from people who feel trapped and don’t want to make things worse.

We can debate whether dead servers should be closed, but Blizzard should absolutely offer free transfers off the worst servers. Blizzard may make money from transfers, but many people would rather quit than pay for a transfer.

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Same applies here. They can get whatever they want, and in many cases it’s more readily available because of reduced competition.

And yet… many of these realms exist with exactly one raid team per server. I actually whispered everyone on for my little survey and the vast majority responded. So if they’re bots they’re awfully sophisticated ones.

Ah I see. They’re lying and YOU actually know what they want better than they do?

Offering xfers off at best exacerbates the problem but more realistically won’t have any impact at all

If they want to play on their low-pop server, then free transfers won’t have any effect.

But even you admit that many if not most if not all would transfer off if given the opportunity. Yet you claim it would make the problem worse. Please explain yourself.

Literally admitted no such thing?

If no one would take the transfers because they want to play on their low-pop server, then how will it exacerbate the problem?