Realm transfer fees from low pop servers are insulting


If it won’t have any effect at all, why do you oppose it? And why do you think it might exacerbate the problem?

PS: Incendius currently has 118 alliance and no horde. Incendius was at one time the largest Classic server. The only people left are the people who refuse to pay Blizzard to transfer off. Several thousand already left over the course of the last year.

Your position seems to be that Blizzard’s policy of having the players pay money to leave Incendius was the best policy. And that Blizzard allowing free transfers off Incendius at the point that its demise was inevitable, would either have had no effect or would have made the problem even worse.

Or put simply, you don’t believe Blizzard should manage their servers. I can kind of understand that coming from someone on Faerlina, and people might have agreed with you when the servers were in better shape. But at this point almost every server is dying or dead.

When the issues of the game get to certain extremes they evolve from social to structural.

The actual best way to describe what you’re saying with the apartment analogy is that I purchased an apartment that has a shared bathroom/kitchen that requires 25 people to open and now I can’t get in to the services I’m paying for.

If a server cannot support raiding/economy it is NOT functioning as intended. The issue is structural being as it is literally impossible to play portions of the game due to a server being near the extreme end of “Dead”.


Thank you for having the sense to admit this problem is Blizzards job to fix.

Instead of that other MORON that wants the transfer price increased to $50

All Blizzard needs to do is unlock PVE to PVP transfers. The rest is up to players.

How much does Blizz pay you to come here and shill for them everyday ?


Blizzard pays them with allowing them to lick Blizzard’s boot.


Hear me out:

100% free transfers with a 4 month cooldown period

This guy gets it. A smal but functioning server is fine, but a dead server is very discouraging to play on. There is no end goal at max level and getting there is hell trying to optimize rep gain without dungeon groups.

Bump for blizzard

DO NOT PAY FOR CHARACTER TRANSFER SERVICES. We demand action with the TBC population realm issues. Do not enable Blizzard to continue ignoring the growing problem.

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Maybe we can plan on having everyone on a dead realm cancel their sub at once? I think some 3 and 6 month subs end in November so their numbers are going to tank again at that time

Crazy how other MMORPS like New Worlds have done so much better on launch for handling the population issues.

Stuff like creating additional servers on launch, promising to merge / allow free transfers when folks start leaving the game and the servers die down.

Funny what a competitor implemented, but such a thing can never be done for WoW.

Lol blizzard wrote the “how not to” book for MMOs. They started the second edition of their book with TBC.

Lmao :rofl: good one!

We know Blizzard is looking at realm populations and choosing to ignore speaking to the community about TBC Classic realm populations, as there are some transfer initiatives for Classic realms (Non TBC)

Today they announced new upcoming servers for Classic WoW. We demand an update on TBC Classic servers.

The player base needs to stop paying for transfers.


We deserve better. Share this out. Keep the forum posts bumped. Cancel subs, make your feedback heard.

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