Realm Layering Update

That’s the issue, all right. If there’s no way to tell if servers are imbalanced, then nobody’s to blame if servers are imbalanced. If there is a way to tell, then the only people to blame are people who decide to stay on a faction-dominated server/not roll on the underdog side.

However, it’s worth noting that most of the people complaining about faction imbalance believe it got worse with the transfers, and that was 100% player decision.

All of that doesn’t even go into the issue of whether perceived dominance has anything to do with time and location. If you’re logging in around the same time every day in the same places, you’re going to see the same people, roughly speaking. Blizzard can’t really solve that, either.

The one thing Blizzard could theoretically do (but won’t, as this is Classic), is to make world PvP completely open – Horde can attack Horde, Alliance can attack Alliance. That would make faction balance play a less important role, overall, since the number of bored dominant faction players that would happily annihilate their own side, given the chance, has to be at least somewhat significant.

Players: OMG layering sucks

Blizzard: Reduces or eliminates layering entirely

Players: OMG why’d you remove layering?!?


You literally made that up.


Please don’t release phase 2 until AFTER the holidays!!

I fail to see why Blizzard can’t provide a simple counter of logged in players per realm including faction. They are too afraid of that for some reason.

Tried to use your realm transfer. Got all my characters on one realm except for my main. And then you shut down transfers off skeram to heartseeker after saying you were only doing it for Faerlina and another realm.

Opened a ticket about the issue and the miscommunication and was told too bad so sad. But you can pay us later when we release paid transfers.

After the number of times I had to create a new character or transfer off a realm because of this launch I’m absolutely appalled that was suggested to me. I’ve bent over backwards following your instructions moving from realm to realm because yall cant get it right 15 years later.

After this incident I dont suggest anyone transfers anywhere until blizzard can get their act together. Because as it stands blizzard is just throwing the dinner plate at the wall and seeing what sticks.

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I enjoy the layering it makes questing normal, not 2 hours for a simple quest. On PVE servers i dont see a reason why they cant keep the layers alliance layer and horde layer so people cant abuse the layering. At the very least this would take pressure off the questing zones. I feel like it needs to be this way for the next 3 months until you have the drop off.
Old blanchy is like 5 to 1 Alliance to horde, its pitiful.

After all these years they havent came up with the idea to balance lock servers makes no sense.

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what about the faction imbalances that have occurred due to free transfers

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Relax dude you don’t have to write a PhD thesis. Cut the crap and say what you really want to know. Faction balance? Population? If you just say what you want instead of writing a dramatic essay about the freedom of statistical information, plenty of people would be willing to help you find a server to suit your needs.

There’s an Ogre joke here somewhere

Or just make phase 2 short, like no more than a month.

That made me laugh…

The out pour of tears and unbridled angry threads… My dream :slight_smile:

Now I know why quests been so tough to complete lately. Ill make sure I bring friends

theres a whole open world for you to pvp in though

LoL. I just want to level and get to do something me dungeons before the PvP farm starts! The tears would be a happy side effect.

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You have just identified the dead I mean lower population realms.

I wonder how long Whitemane has been 2 layers hmm

Have to agree on both points here. First off, we have great and active wPvP on this server. But in terms of large scale battles, I get a consistent 67-70ms from Philly to our PST server even in the midst of chaos and the worst my fps gets is like 45 which I don’t even notice unless I’m looking at the number. And our server has been listed as high population forever, so we’re not small.

And can confirm, watching hordes of dwarves organizing the way you guys do is certainly epic to watch. :smiley:

In a Forbes interview awhile back Ion indicated that each layer was meant to have about the same limit as a healthy vanilla server in 2004. Is that still true, or in order to reach a smaller number of layers faster, did you choose to change the population limits per layer?

In phase 2 will our one layer servers have about the same population of vanilla servers, or will they be much larger and still only one layer?

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So now you will fix Stalagg and Heartseeker faction balance before the honor system ?