Do you really think Blizzard is going to answer you? Is this a rhetorical question?
no they will just remove your post like they did to me
Wait… What?
I disagree. I think most pvp players want to be on a faction balanced server.
Most pvp players want a good fight. Of course we prefer to win, but if your faction steam rolls the opponent, it wasn’t a good fight, and wasn’t fun.
That’s how I see it at least.
The layering removal is good news. Soon the Horde on Faerlina will be eating dirt like they should, because they suck at the game and don’t know how to pvp without layering buddies.
You realize that realistically Horde outnumbers the Alliance and Horde has more serious PvPers than Alliance. Not to mention, I think Horde also has more multiboxers than Alliance. So to your logic about Horde eating dirt, Horde already has a 40 man multiboxer ready to target a specific streamer, camp him, and kill anyone who tries to come to assist him. With no layering then there won’t be any way to escape multiboxers. The guild “Bring Alliance Death” on Faerlina is made specifically for multiboxers to torment the Alliance.

- Arcanite Reaper
Seriously? Is this some joke to you guys?
I can’t speak to the other servers, but Arcanite Reaper is as good as dead. Obviously it’s down to one layer, it shouldn’t exist in the first place. Just about every single player on this server wanted to play on a High pop server, but is now stuck on a dead one. All because Blizzard couldn’t, for the life of them, believe that Classic may actually be very popular, and when it proved to be popular they panicked and opened up multiple new servers when we only needed a handful!
I understand that most people are on the servers they wanted to be on, and are having a good time. My voice must be like a raindrop in an ocean compared to them, so I don’t think Blizzard will ever address this issue and these new servers will simply fade out over the next few months as people hit 60 and then realize they need to re-roll on a different server.
It doesn’t stop me from being extremely dissatisfied in finally getting the game I’ve waited a decade for, and then being unable to play it how I wanted to.
Netherwind on a single layer. That explains all the crazy action in STVietnam that past few days…
The damage is already done. The world building and coherent “one-world” is also a huge immersion loss with layering. Ogrimmar is under attack? Oh just switch layers you’ll be fine
Its fine to be ignorant about something but its best not to flaunt it
layering has its own set of issues and problems if you choose to understand it
Bloodsail, RP server, I did the dream dust quest in Swamp of Sorrows for three days straight (about 20 hours). Camped by no less 12 people at any one time and I think there’s only 10 spawns. This was a while ago so it may only have a few people there now.

First and foremost, players have leveled up and spread out around the world. This allowed us to accommodate more players per layer, which means fewer layers required per realm.
Well this is a lie.
Every desirable camp 35-45+ in every zone I’ve visited since Friday has been completely camped or well over camped from three hours pre-prime time to three hours after.
It is ridiculous that Blizz claims to have looked at the numbers and decided it was the right time to remove layering on certain servers. Just be honest: We didn’t feel like fixing exploits to layering and were tired of seeing complaints about it so we turned it off without really thinking it through… That is what Blizz has always done in fact it is the most classic thing about classic.

Every desirable camp 35-45+ in every zone I’ve visited since Friday has been completely camped or well over camped from three hours pre-prime time to three hours after.
You say this like AoE farming is the only, and indeed intended, way to level?
Yeah…I’m maining my warrior right now…so…not referring to AOE grinding but nice try.

Players: OMG layering sucks
Blizzard: Reduces or eliminates layering entirely
Players: OMG why’d you remove layering?!?
Funny thing that… it is almost like there are multiple players with different opinions or something.
Is layering the reason why I can never find a tank on my realm? I’m wondering if all the tanks are getting logged in tot a single layer, and I’m getting put into the other layer.

Players: OMG layering sucks
Blizzard: Reduces or eliminates layering entirely
Players: OMG why’d you remove layering?!?
Ain’t it always the way of things.
Thank you for what I am sure is very reliable data.
You are on Blaumeux server… .which has NOT had layering disabled. Does it have free transfers? Then perhaps you should take advantage of them while you can.
This is clearly a cake and eat it too situation.
You cannot have an overfull population, but expect it to play like a medium pop server. You cannot be unwilling to transfer to a medium population server and gripe about your overfull server’s lack of quest mobs.
You have two choices… that both come with some positives and negatives attached. I know, I know… “Not fair”…
Well real life is going to be a real eye opener for ya too.
Im on server where it got disabled. Yesturday i was in arathi doing elite quests. There was so many players there that you had no way of doing quest with out wating for respawns. Not fun wating. Perhaps can blizz increase respawn time?

You are on Blaumeux server
Wrong. that character was…I don’t play on that server full time but hey enjoy that snark.