The same way it was handled in vanilla.
Aka not at all.
The same way it was handled in vanilla.
Aka not at all.
Thankyou for keeping your word.
THIS SUCKS OLD BLANCHY all week has been a nightmare. I KNEW IT!
Please up the spawn rates for these single layer realms then please!
Does this change anything with the current free transfers that were being offered?
Servers like Felstriker (OCE), are still severely less populated than the other PvP servers and could still benefit from the availability of transfers, and I’m sure other servers are in similar states.
It goes especially true whilst the allure of being a single layered realm is there, having that key benefit over it’s competitor servers could be what these servers need to draw a bit more of the population over.
Also just a shout out to say thank you for Classic. It’s been years since I’ve played the game as hours just disappeared like they were nothing.
The feeling of wanting to play the game each day had been lost for a long a time and it’s great to have it back.
The sheer amount of people that I group up with and converse and interact with during each session is just incredible, this is truly the game that I fell in love with back in the day.
This is what retail needs more of, more that community world feeling, bring back the RPG to RPGMMO.
That’s… not how it works.
[barbie] Math is hard! * nelf mailbox dancer giggle * [/barbie]
Ah, fair enough. So you don’t think servers are imba? If not Blizzard, then who caused it? How could someone have been aware what the ratio on the server they initially rolled on is, and thus cause an imbalance?
I wanted to play Faer for the large pop, but rolled Horde because it’s my preferred faction. How would I know if I was causing a faction imba?
Sweet finally.
I knew something was up because the world was pretty barren before - now its alive and popn
Would really like to see paid transfer with no restrictions as well. Many of us are back here in classic connecting with old friends and guildies. Unfortunately, they are spread all over in part due to servers filling the first few days. I don’t see the reason to not implement this. Letting people find old friends and join up is a benefit to keeping this effort energized.
You only layer swap if you join a party.
Before they opened server transfers to Heartseeker (the first time), I would have agree with you. But people don’t do things for the betterment of the game, even if they say they will.
I moved off of Faerlina to help reduce the queues and I figured a lot of us would because it was an obvious solution to the queues that were happening. Boy was I wrong. The forums were filled with people saying “why would I move servers? I hate queues, but would hate a dead server more”. There were only a few hundred people that took the transfer because census data showed that no one was on a brand new server yet. Because the data showed this information, way less people moved than wanted to (I say that because now, after access to hard numbers disappeared, a ton of people HAVE moved, so something prompted them to want to move).
If blizzard showed population numbers on servers, if they weren’t already close to 50/50, they’re effectively destroying the faction that is outnumbered. If you get on at 8am and see your server is 80/20 against your faction, you’ll seriously consider re-rolling or quitting whereas previously you were happy and still able to get groups.
At the very least, even if you’re willing to be the underdog there, more people would be drawn to the opposing faction while your faction slowly bled people.
Seeing real data is something we always want to see but are better off not seeing. Sure, some servers won’t be balanced because of it, but even those servers are healthier for not seeing numbers.
Now I know why there are no living npc trolls in STV on Ashkandi. Just six to ten players standing around a pile of dead trolls at every ruins in the zone. Maybe I can log on at 3am and complete a drop quest!
Oh except for Study of Elements:Rock. That one’s so hopelessly camped I just dropped the quest.
Not much fun tbh. Would like to know what the population is of Ashkandi. I suspect it is far above the 3k vanilla realm cap.
EDIT: And absolutely forget about touching a dragon whelp in Swamp of Sorrows. So much fun having half the quests in your log camped to the point of being impossible to complete in a reasonable play session.
The worst part about this is all blizzards Promoters got to abuse the crap out of layering and now everyone who is actually just trying to quest is screwed. I knew as soon as they removed the layering you could instantly tell. It now takes 2 hours to do a 10 minute quest.
The only good part about this will be all the players who quit out of frustration so i can go back to questing with several players in vicinity rather then 50+
Oh look its 4:30 am server time and there are 50 people in ungoro. What a joke.
How about offering every one a free transfer to whatever server they wanted. Also please add BG;s like… NOW! i dont care about the honor system right now but i need some PVP.
Thanks Blizzard! Keep up the great work, Classic is fantastic. I am having a lot of fun, just remember… no more changes.
I think most sensible people really don’t care all that much about the layers beyond wanting it to be eventually removed, regardless of #nochanges. People freaking out on the forums are just oversensitive people.
Layering doesn’t bother me all that much but I don’t want changes because I don’t want classic to end up like retail, a game I do not like. Simple as that.
I dont know if I buy the only 2 or 3 layers thing. Have literally watched someone request layer invites and move across 4+ layers.
maybie dont play on a streamer server. iv been in 150+ v 150+ fight no lag so if its ur server leave the damn server how hard is that. also idk why everyone seems to thing rppvp servers have very small world pvp. we have huge fights the diffrence is we do it with style. we add a little flare into our pvp that makes it oh so much more interesting. u ever rp march into a fight? bet not. if u ever want a screenshot of 100 dwarves marching in ranks/lines to war in southshore let me know they epic looking.
i dont play ferlina, im clearly saying ofc they would baby there streamers, 100% they are killing the game
How can you tell?