Realm Layering Update

how will faction imbalance be handled? Skeram’s ratio has increasingly gotten worse over time due to the free transfers off.

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So since the game as been launched, you have made posts about layering, layering exploits, layering time lines. Great. Thats wrapped up. Can we get a response and an ETA to address the hundreds of other issues you have not even acknowledged?

  1. Why can level 20-50s attack and chain CC 60’s with no resists? This was never in vanilla and is clearly a BFA thing.

  2. Spell batching window, shorten it or get rid rid of it, 400 ms is astronomical. This is causing issues for everyone for no reason, this is an artifical “lag simulator” you wanted to put in? for what reason? who is this actually helping? 99% of people play with 10+ mbs connections in their own region with no lag.

  3. melee leeway, again why is this in? You are catering to a VERY small percentage of players when there is barely any lag for most people. the leeway concept is fine but shorten the range, I shouldnt be getting hit from 10 yards away after spell batch kicks in.

  4. Terrain and invisible walls, constantly getting stuck everywhere I Go, female undead seems to be the worst for this especially in door ways.

There are tons of other bugs I have submitted in game but those 4 are by FAR the worst and need to be addressed before phase 2.


Since these realms are majorly disadvantaged being on one layer, less nodes, spawns, rares etc that layer hopping has enabled.

Edit: Also disadvantaged by having less player-base to do instances/high end content.

Can we push these realms to phase 2 and keep the layered realms phase 1 until they are stabilised.

Never happen. For Blizzard, one size (version) fits all.

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Great work.

Been having a blast!

My server is still dead… if not less people somehow. Don’t worry I’m already pounding sand like you’re going to tell me if I ask to have paid transfer or a way out

When we were going to ZF, I saw a 60 mage at the entrance ganking lowbies entering the instance. I frost nova’d and fire blasted him. I think he was so surprised to be cc’d that he didn’t blink or ice barrier. He must have thought it was impossible for any spell cast by a mid-40 to hit him. Then 4-5 other lowbies joined in and killed him and another 60. It was hilarious.


nope. the population on your server is just smaller than the bigger servers, hence why your WPvP is bearable, but not ours

when a streamer attacks Orgrimmar on Faerlina, everyone freezes up and they might get booted from the server

when a streamer attacks Ironforge on Faerlina, the same thing happens

the same thing is happening on retail servers. the network just can’t handle it, it gets clogged trying to process everything and so then player’s actions will start to “wait in queue” to be recognized by the server

A: data takes time to gather, so your assumption is severely flawed.
B: If the point of server transfers is to disperse the population, then it’s counterproductive to say anything that might make people preparing to transfer stay put.

These stats aren’t cherry-picked and they’re not late—they arrived precisely when they were meant to.

STOP server transfers off of Skeram. Faction balance is completely broken. Will need a server merge down the road.


A: Zero day data provision is done all the time. Yes, it will need revisions as updated data is available, but dynamic data provision is a standard in the industry. I implement it every single day in a global framework serving hundreds of millions of people as we operationalize new products, Blizzard has access to the same tools. Are you implying Blizzard is unable to determine the amount of players of each faction existing on their servers in real time?

B: 100%! By creating urgency, “will close once full, around 9/23,” with no updates provided a week thereafter 9/23, more people will be catalyzed to move. Yes, the entire purpose is to provide an impetus for migration, but at the cost of server balance. By not providing enough servers initially, they became overcrowded; thus, FCM was open. FCM resulted in greater faction imba though because people were escaping already imba servers.

Ally on Stalagg were feeling as though the server was imba, so they moved to HS causing Stalagg and HS to become more imba. We are about to enter a phase dedicated to WPvP with servers that are faction biased, this will he rough for many players. Simply providing a faction ratio snapshot of daily or weekly active players over level 5 would be feasible and could improve balances. At least with data available, players would be at fault if imba conditions become overwhelming.

When data arrives at a specific time for prompting a specific goal, that is cherry picked and late. They had layer information available, they have the necessary cross section in their DWH FQM to facilitate faction ratio metric engineering, but cherry picked the date of sharing this to promote - presumably - the goal of population balancing. While this mitigates the issue of megapopulations to a degree it exacerbates faction imba.

Interestingly, with proper faction ratio information more people may be willing to migrate. If all people see are countless acedotal forum posts discussing how terrible the imba is on certain servers, they will only have that data and most likely not migrate. If they see that the skew is only 60:40, they may think that is an acceptable skew and move.

If it is 90:10, they should be aware of how migrating there could impact their gameplay.

Even in the time it took for me to respond to this, another person is providing their negative experience of balance. The more net detraction from gameplay, the more likely players will make the decision to put their freetime elsewhere rather than reroll.


Excited to see the cities filled!

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This ^^ Never shoulda let alliance have the option to xfer off in the first place

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Good job blizzard. I love you.

I don’t think that this would improve faction balances much, if at all. Many (most?) people want to either be in the majority on their server or at least play on one that’s very closely balanced. As soon as the ratio drops to around 60/40, people aren’t going to roll on the 40 side and more people will roll on the 60 side. The problem then gets worse as the imbalance gets worse.

I’m not saying it would have no effect, but providing official faction balance stats likely isn’t the silver bullet that lots of people say it is.

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Oh most definitely, that’s why I qualify that it could help. At least then its a player decision and intentionally done.

I know for myself, I’d gladly be the underdog on even a 65/35. I’d wager there are many people that would pick a semi-balanced server, just like many would likely choose imba servers. At the least, providing this could help the sample of the pop that would prefer as close to balanced play as possible.

I don’t believe this is easily resolved, which could be why it hasn’t been addressed.

I simply think this could be a piece of the puzzle to improve the imba, along with transfers.

If anything, Blizzard should actively monitor this data along with relative transfer rates by faction and adjust faction FCM as necessary to mitigate what we’re observing on Stalagg and Heartseeker.

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A lot of players do not realize that the hit penalties vs high-level PVE mobs does not apply in pvp except on white attacks.

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Can all the people who claimed that Blizzard will never turn off layering and it will be here to stay please STAND UP!

Just like those people who whinged that they weren’t invited to the Classic closed beta and were so outraged that they decided they wouldn’t play Classic at all. :joy::joy::joy:



They were the only ones wanting to transfer, though.

The problem is that players on pvp realms ALWAYS gravitate towards faction imbalances in their favor because ultimately very few actually want balanced pvp. This was exactly the case in Vanilla/TBC as well.


Is this why my game is so laggy today I relogged and checked for updates just to make sure it wasn’t my laptop? Everything is fine on my end.

Do we even have layering still on the one rp/pve server? Hard to tell, but if they got rid of it there I would be happy. Rather see a slightly crowded server than a laggy one.

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