Replying to Bookmark on Mobile
Please for the love of god approach future free Realm Transfers from a position of FACTION BALANCE first.
Example: Realm X needs free transfers to lessen the overpopulation. First, are Horde:Alliance populations within 10%? If not, enable transfers for the more populated faction first, THEN for both factions once it’s closer together.
You are wrong, there is undisputable proof of the lag. Look at vods of the October 2 Faerlina alliance raid on org/uc. Hundreds of people in Sylvanas’ room caused the game to almost completely freeze for upwards of 10 minutes. People were running in place and could not cast spells. Many alliance simply got ported to the graveyard. Chat was breaking too. Every single person there experienced this. Tens of thousands of people saw it happen live. Just because it does not happen to you does not mean it is not occurring.
The original post:
I was merely accepting his premise.
I was pointing out that if the issue exists, it wasn’t Blizzard that caused it, and it’s not on them to fix it.
So glad you caved into the, standard practice, of the easiest solution to appease whiners and did nearly nothing about the ones abusing this needed system.
30d bans… what a freaking joke to please your streamer bios.
The worse thing is how bad questing is with these mages aoeing every good group of quest spawns, or the bored lvl 60 cheaters repeatedly ganking instance entrances so you can’t do them either.
Layering was needed but just had to have real penalties for abusing it.
Of course, you guys never deal with things but in the easiest way possible, and to get these clambering buffoons to quit crying about x , just so they can start crying about y next.
You ruined retail with this crowd jockeying and you’d have thought you’d have learned.
Meanwhile, people like me, who took the time to savor the return to vanilla get screwed over because we’re dumped into one or two layers and have to deal with your half assed server implementation from launch.
The writings already on the wall- your screwing this up just like before.
Nobody forced you to take the transfer, you knew there could be consequences and you did it anyway. If you don’t like it you can reroll.
lol, like Arcanite Reaper ever had any layers.
Obviously not. It was strongly recommended by Blizzard on numerous occasions. No, spending 200+ hours on the same content I just finished is not an ideal solution for most. Further, I have rerolled 3 times. This being the permanent solution will impact Blizzard’s ROI and the playerbase attrition rate.
There are also consequences to remaining on Faer, yet making an insightful descision as to what the optimal choice would be is impossible without any form of data.
Simply providing data helps mitigate this issue for me and countless people encountering it.
To what end is being argumentative about this topic valuable? How would it detract from your quality of play for Blizzard to provide information? Do you think Blizzard should not take proactive steps toward facilitating the playerbase to make informed decisions and improve the likelihood of balanced servers?
Oh noes! Game is dying! This is it boys. The death spiral has begun! Pack it up we’re buggin out!
I’ll take that apology from a bunch of people saying that they wouldn’t do it after a few weeks now, thanks.
This is great news! Thanks for the update blizzard!
It’s really not that bad. I was attacked a few times but most horde just want to level up and be left alone.
I found going up to them and waving usually prevented me from being attacked.
Called it!
Now all the “All of Phase 1” naysayers can pretend they never said it by only posting on their Classic toons.
What happens if the populations do not decline on the other realms?
You’re just indecisive. Blizz could publish all the data in the world and you wouldn’t be happy with any of the choices. They could hand you a server with perfect faction/class/race/gender balance and you’d start looking for another server with a better profession spread.
Please allow paid server transfers. My group of friends is split over 4 different servers atm due to how long ques were on Whitemane at the start.
Now assume the online population is 9,500.
Does it still seem fairly insignificant?
This is sheer speculation based upon generalization and a non answer to any of the previous questions.
I work in a career where decisiveness is mandatory, but without proper data you cannot make an insightful descision. In any major industry, people don’t arbitrarily make choices without data provisioned by their service provider. If I was provided with the faction ratio of the destination server, I could have better assessed if moving there was a good choice or not.
I could draw similarly arbitrary speculations and state that you are content with making choices with no proper information and will never make optimal choices in life. Based upon your responce, which is classic projectionism and ad hominem being that you have no insight to how I make choices, I could inference that you make concrete choices without any notion of their appropriateness. However, I don’t know your descision making model and therefore haven’t a clue if this hypothesis has any credibility. I’ll take my general assumption that you use valid data to drive strategic choices, but that is projection on my behalf.
You also failed to respond to the crux of my inqury: how would Blizzard providing information impact you? What value does being argumentative on this point add to conversation?
Further, whether or not I am indecisive has no correlation to the principal position: additional information will help players decide which servers to play on based upon their desired gameplay experience. Thus why servers provide population sizes, server type, server location, and the addition of an indicator to flag Layered realms.
Nice. Can’t wait to make a solid 5 gold an hour gathering all on the same layer from terrible spawns.
Thank you Blizzard for this update. It is very encouraging.