Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Still no response on the subject of PvP->PvE that a ton of people are asking for? I mean, even just saying “No we’re never offering that” would be better than this ongoing ghosting.

so cool, now do mega servers on retail

Are you able to comment whether we should keep our character in limbo for a chance to reclaim our name, or to choose a temporary new name to continue playing in hopes there will be some way to reclaim the old name later?


That would be nice to clarify, I’m under the impression that if we choose a name we are much less likely to ever get our name back. I got a raid in less than an hour so it would be great to know soon.


Still no character creation on CS. It’s up on Wild growth.

Can’t create horde characters on lone wolf because I have ally.

Can’t create horde characters on Living flame because faction imbalance.

Can’t transfer horde from Chaos bolt because it transfers to wild growth for some reason.

Are we just not supposed to play this game?

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My character is still not transferred and I cannot log into it…You might want to do another check. Its been transferring since 9pm EST on Tuesday!

The fact character creation is still down on crusader strike is bonkers to me

Seems like they are trying to figure out the name issue first, if they open character creation first they will just make the issue worse.

HEY STOP IGNORING US PLEASE WE’VE BEEN WAITING 5 MONTHS FOR AN ANSWER [quote=“Fwoibles, post:446, topic:1836108”]
Hey everyone, there will not be any additional transfers opening up this weekend. We’re giving these moves time to bake and seeing how populations settle before making more decisions on Monday.



Please let us change our characters if we already selected a new name. I mistyped when I was putting it in again and messed the name up. I can’t even stomach looking at it now.

Maybe I’m being overly sensitive but that name is one a friend used who is no longer with us, and I’m full on willing to pay for a name change.

Mine has been saying processing, 5 mins left for the last 2 days. can you please help me? All transfers are NOT processed.

When are free transfers supposed to end? Also when are we opening back up char creation on CS? Was supposed to be open at 10am this morning.

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Point 1: If you DON’T open xfers to US from Oce, The Oce Servers will die anyway.
(Because many who wanted to leave will unsub) So it ends in lower player base either way.

Point 2: Would blizzard prefer to watch all OCE slowly unsub? (Which will happen as they steadily die).

Blizzard continues to create the problems with servers seeming to be inactive because they keep facilitating the ability to simply raid log once a week and be able to get every gear slot filled with epics.
When you only need to log in an hour a week and get geared…OF COURSE THE SERVER WILL NOT BE ACTIVE WITH GROUPS RUNNING DUNGEONS… raiders already got dungeon sets…

Example: Tier set pieces all obtained from raid. These pieces are also currently superior in pvp… Meaning they don’t even need to log in to rank up…
Players have either more DMG less HP or more HP less DMG…
Blizzard decided to give 50% more HP in bgs and in pvp reduce spell DMG by 40% … physical by 30%…the only point of rank 14 is weapons…Class weapons being added are already superior to rank 14…
Nax weapons vastly superior…

Note: The token currency system is a better way to get players logging in to complete content which in turn creates a vibrant active server.
When all Oce players actually log in to shadow strike it is very active…
It’s not dead because no one is subbed…it’s dead because they raid log…
So Obviously raid logging is the main reason for the low pop.

Solution: Completely change the loot system…Instead of each raid boss having chance to drop items.
Each boss now drops only a token that ALL participants can loot equally!
None of this…roll Highest lucky stuff.
This creates Ninjas in pugs…Drama about loot…and makes the whole experience fairer…
Now you place all tier and dungeon/raid loot on a vendor.
Every item has a price.
(Can choose any raid boss drop item)
Let’s say a t2 piece head slot will cost:
20x raid boss tokens
50x dungeon boss Tokens.
Set amount of profession materials (to make professions more useful)
Now you have to log in and actually clear content every week to get a piece and everyone who participates get equally rewarded for their time and effort.

A dungeon piece item:
(Can chose any dungeon boss drop equipment)
10x dungeon boss tokens
Random profession materials.

Some people will be against this idea.
It’s not a new idea though.
I think it solves the raid logging issues
The dead server issues as well.

We’re looking into options for name changes once this system has been restored

Please do it as a PER character reclamation instead of just an account logging into classic. Plenty of people may be playing different versions of classic but not SoD i.e. since Jan

Also for the outtage, you should give out 1 free name change for people who xferred over thinking the reclamation would have been in effect like said.

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This is logical…which means they will never do it.

WHy can’t I transfer from Lone Wolf to Crusader Strike? It keeps saying realm isn’t accepting transfers??? It’s been two days come on. Get your crap together. This is humiliating that this hasn’t even been addressed yet and I know it’s happening to a lot of other players as well

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Why per account and not per character? There are tons of people that stopped playing SoD and still log into Classic either for HC or for Era. Kind of silly that I had to change my names because I was forced onto a server with people that had my names and they are still lvl 25 and haven’t logged onto those characters since Jan or Mar, hell they might not even be playing SoD anymore.

This is why to be fair to everyone it should have been two new servers with NO new character creation until after a certain period of transfers (so that people couldn’t just poach and hold names as a new character).

Had already been moved to Wild Growth from Lava Lash. Was looking forward to a lottery chance of getting my names back and if not nothing lost.


New character creation isnt still re-enabled. and deleted charater’s cant be restored too! please fix this ASAP!!!

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Please be transparent about your plans with unlocking character creation on crusader strike. A lot of people have characters stuck in the deleted screen that they can’t raid with.