Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Give free boosts lvl 25+ to lvl 55 to boost player retention and the OCE server won’t be so dead. Buff rogue tanking so they can bleed/heal off of all undead mobs, not just bosses. I tried tanking scholo/strat and it feels sh!t. Make raids alt friendly.

I’ve always been a huge advocate of dual spec and was glad we got it, but, with runes it feels like we need tri spec.

While you’re being transparent; how long until SoD ends? 3 months? 6? Is there any point to investing in alts if it will end by Christmas?

Option 1 or 3. Ping is nice but no players means no game.


This company is a disgrace…the only thing amazing about blizzard anymore is their ability to find brand new ways to screw everything up.


Opening transfers from OCE to CS is a very bad idea blizzard. The majority of players that choose to transfer will immediately quit once they realise how bad 300+ ping is. This is a simple case of “they think they want it” when in reality you will lose many subscribers by letting them move across. Stand your ground and don’t cave in to the very few players crying to be set free, they will remain subbed on OCE regardless of what they say and you know this.

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Option 1 or 3. Penance players want the option to choose bad ping over no groups or AH.


Option 3 for all OCE.

Players deserve to make their own choice on which server to play.


Want option 3 from shadowstrike

option 3 please

Love being kept hostage on dead server - They wont even let us buy paid character transfers off

Option 3 please get me off shadow strike and stop listening to elron


… What are all these option 1 2 3s referring to?

Edit: thank you Phazonix, posting the link for others to provide feedback

here you go friend, a blizzard rep posted these options that they’re exploring in another thread:

As far as this larger topic, our options are few. But we’ll share some of the things that are on the cards for OCE for you to offer thoughts and feedback on.

  1. Penance, FCMs open to Wild Growth.
    a. Lots more players, lots more ping.
    b. Doesn’t address Shadowstrike.
  2. Convert Shadowstrike into a PvE realm, open FCMs from Penance to Shadowstrike.
    a. Penance is a very small realm, this doesn’t move the meter much.
    b. Does this upset more people than it pleases? Is it also a temporary solution, the OCE playerbase is a fraction of the rest of US Season of Discovery, will you remain happy with the numbers?
  3. Open FCMs from both AU realms to the corresponding US realms.
    a. People can choose to stay or go! This option almost certainly kills the AU realms as it splits an already small playerbase and you will be forced to move if you want to play with anyone.
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Why are they posting in different threads!?!?!??!? Where is the central point of information for this? LET ME OUT OF SS


When do we get to transfer off the LOW pop, dead OCE servers?


Crusader strike is central US server.
OCE players get terrible ping to it…
at least let us go to Lone wolf on the US west coast…
this will be worse ping then even vanilla wow days…


Just saying , its 8pm on a thursday night , and Shadowstrike is dead , cant even form a 10 man raid without a struggle.

Shadowstrike is dead this isnt entertainement its drowning


surely you guys have traffic monitoring and can see how bad the server is right , you can see that despite all the complaintys about killing OCE we are drowning already

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Lone wolf (US West) has lower ping for oceanic players than Crusader Strike (US Central).

Why are we being forced onto the higher ping option?

200ms better than 280ms??


Hi, I have a character locked on Living Flame Alliance (kekanomics) who is unable to process transfer because of “pending mail in mailbox”. It has been >36 hours since I completed the WPL cauldron questline, which I believe sends the snail mail I’m waiting on.

Is it possible to expedite this process? I’m now stuck on an empty realm with the character that I want to play.

Thank you!

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