Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Stop lying.

Your posts were deleted because you were encouraging others to misuse the forum features and report other Oceanic users who disagree with you.

You’re not the ambassador of OCE. You’re a self-serving bully.


Maybe seek education first

This guys just upset because bin chickens couldn’t even get to heat level 3 mc before penance died.

They aren’t going to allow PVP → PVE transfers because they know it will kill the balance of Crusader Strike. Even though the right decision is to allow transfers. They simply just won’t do it. That is why they won’t answer us.

Yeah… Holding their player base hostage to preserve a PvP balance is never okay. =/


I agree, but we know they will.

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Hey Tom!

Speaking as someone who’s active on the OCE PvP realm - right now i feel that our realm is in a good place. There’s plenty of dungeons going at all hours, plenty of large guilds (and pugs) raiding every day, lots of alts being leveled and plenty of PVP action. So it feels like it caters for everything we need - can even do Dailies at 2am in the morning if that’s your thing!

I feel it would be best if we are left out of the server merges and transfers. I understand you have certain objectives to meet on your end - but if these changes go forward it will dilute and diminish the oceanic player base and have an overall negative effect.

There was a downturn in players during the Sunken Temple phase - but since then i’ve experienced a slow and steady player base increase and things are in a good place on the OCE PvP server. Release timing of BWL seems perfect so this situation will only get better with time, so whatever you guys have been doing recently is working!

So yeah i’d love if things just stayed as they are - no transfer options to US realms and no US server merges. Our server may seem ‘low pop’ compared to the US and EU servers but as the leader of a large guild since day 1 of SOD things seem like they are in a good place right now.

Thanks for all your hard work!


Keep OCE servers out of the merge.

The last time it was done to the SOM OCE server, all the OCE guilds died within a month.

It is absurd how a billion dollar revenue corporation is unable to see the pattern repeating.


merging/transfers would execute the OCE SoD community


Hey Tom!

As an unhinged guild master and clearly the rightful ruler of this realm I just want to say, things are looking pretty good in my kingdom right now. Dungeons are active at all hours, raids are popping off, alts are getting leveled, and there’s plenty of PvP to keep the blood flowing. Hell, I can even go out and loot some delicious grey items from chests at 2am, and who wouldn’t love that?

Now, I get it. You’ve got your objectives to meet. But if you so much as think about merging my beloved server with those silly US realms, or offering transfers, you’re going to dilute my player base, and that’s something I won’t tolerate. Not as a power-tripping maniac who has watched this place flourish. We may seem “low pop” compared to the US realms, but this server? It’s mine—and frankly, it’s perfect.

Sure, there was a bit of a dip during Sunken Temple phase (it happens), but things have been picking up steadily. More players, more loot, and now with BWL on the horizon? I’m practically drowning in loot, and that includes greys, which I cherish deeply. Whatever you guys have been doing, it’s working. But don’t mess with my server! Merging or transferring to US realms will only ruin the delicate balance we’ve got here.

In conclusion: no merges, no transfers, and let me continue dominating this server in peace. You’re welcome, as always, for my valuable input.

(But really give us Sydney servers for instances and we good)


You aren’t OCE, you don’t play on OCE, don’t tell us what we want.
We have no trouble finding groups, filling raids, why would we migrate to a US server if we’d only be playing with people from our own time zones anyway. There will be minimal player increase for us anyway due to the times of day we are online.

You don’t think we’ve taken this into consideration already?
If we wanted to play on the US realms due to it having a higher population at the sacrifice of ping, we would, and some do.
However, the majority of OCE players choose to play on OCE server because of the ping and that’s why we choose to play on OCE servers.

Don’t take away the one and only reason we play on OCE servers from us, but hey, this post probably won’t even get read like the 100 posts before it,and you’ll do what you what which only benefits you.
In typical Blizzard style, as always.


Theres plenty of content on Shadowstrike and is able to sustain itself currently. I can see Penance may be struggling though. I’m currently raiding in three raid teams and pvp in my down time, there is plenty to do with plenty of people. If you are going to guide the Shadowstrike community to an NA server, please enable the option for us to perform instanced content on OCE latency so that we can continue to play at the same quality we have now.



Please do NOT merge OCE and US realms. This happened in SoM and killed the OCE scene. Please keep us separated from being able to transfer.


DO NOT MERGE OCE WITH US, we pay we say. i just don’t wanna play with americans thats all


Please make this merge happen so that I no longer am hounded to re-join and level up to play/raid. If you did, it’d kill the game for all my old raiding friends and they’d quit… ending this saga for me.

Thanks, p.s. go Steelers.

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Ah yes, the ability to find groups for content. Why not just add an LFG tool that is cross-realm then? Easy for us to find groups for content then, and no one has to play with 2 secs of constant delay at all times! (Which makes fair competitive world PVP almost impossible, and makes raiding a pain in the backside).

Not fussed on lag in dungeons too much, but raid content is a nightmare especially if there is any fast-react mechanics or one shots (A few in molten core, most notably the find a partner mechanic on the molten core fight, which will wipe the group if you don’t get it done in under ~4 seconds)

You’re gonna be playing with my big fat McDonald’s/Reality TV addicted butt whether you like it or not =)

Fine but you can join us on the OCE server then :wink:


We all knew going into SOD that it was a seasonal thing and has to end at some point. Having it end because of a dev choice to nuke the OCE servers and force ping or no play leaves a really sour ending on what has ultimately been an enjoyable experience.

Why not do an OCE server merge into 1 big server, so people who play in OCE remain on minimal ping (PVE to PVP or PVP to PVE, I don’t really care) Then if / when those numbers dwindle on the OCE merged server, offer the free transfer to a mega SOD server. Seems to be the best of both?

Let us do BWL on OCE servers at the very least.


Agree with all the other oceanic players we don’t want the merge give us an oceanic mega server.