Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Question will I lose my rank if I take the free transfer?

to be fair your comments on Oceanic server are your point of view, would it not be in your best interests to ask the oceanic players what they want ?

I would entertain the idea of an OCE PVE / PVP merge into one PVP server if there are people that cant stand PVP then they can go to the NA PVE server. One OCE server is all i ask for with low ping and people that play the same time zone.

  1. OCE seems to be pretty decided on staying put and keeping their ping (if I was them I’d choose the same thing, ping is important).



Quoting this for visibility in the hopes that a dev reads.

My guild with 2 raid teams, not one person is interested in moving server due to the ping. The Majority if this discord does not want to play in high ping. If the server dies, we will be just moving to Retail/Cata again and not playing this version of WoW, and we were excited to play out the seasonal content.

I spoke with a person who from Australia is playing from WA on the Crusader Strike server saying the ping was fine, However,

  • It’s the only iteration of the game they’ve played
  • they have not played on OCE Ping
  • They didn’t know how to check their latency and assumed they were 120Ping, after checking were 230-250 Some people just don’t know better.

I Play Cata & Retail as well where we have OCE Ping. When you land in a US Instance, you notice the difference by alot that means to say, when US People also land in OCE Istanced BG/M+/Dung ect they also notice the difference.

Please provide a proper solution rather than forcing OCE to play on 200 Latencey.

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Give us OCE ping or I will just go play runescape instead, please and thank u


Here is my feedback on your intention to include the AU realms in the free character moves to NA servers.

I can’t see many positives to your plan at all, but I can see sufficient disincentive in the proposal, such that I would stop playing SoD immediately, with a very bad taste in my mouth.

You stated that the PvP realm is looking worse for ‘ware’ (sic). While it isn’t as strong as the larger NA servers, there is still a relatively healthy raiding and dungeon population. We are able to get things done.

Just last night, I completed a complex level 60 priest dungeon rune in a pug run of Stratholme. If we were on an NA server, it would have been around 4am server time. The chance of finding a non-AU player at that time in a fit state to complete this dungeon would have been negligible.

You stated that we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times. The ability to find groups for content will barely be enhanced by moving AU players to NA servers. We play at your very very off-peak times. There will be minimal difference. Higher ping, however, makes a big difference to a significant part of our player base.

AU players who don’t care about ping already can and do choose to play on NA servers. AU players who DO care about ping already can and do choose to play on OCE based servers. We will simply choose to no longer play if the option to have reasonable ping is removed.

I have played WoW since 2007, and raided for several years on the fake OCE servers that were actually based on west coast USA from the eastern states of Australia. Lag spikes were plentiful, it felt like playing in soup. I defected to other games with OCE/Asian servers just for the novelty of not having a piece of loot hang out on my screen for a second before going into my bag. Or being killed by a shadow crash that happened halfway across the room.

I am now on the west coast of Australia. There is simply no way I want to waste my time on a game playing on an NA based server. I have more enjoyable things to waste my time on… I have been playing AV this weekend and it just sucks. Not fun.

Several posters have advocated for a solution where we all merge onto an NA server but you give us OCE seeded instances. I personally do not like this option - I don’t fancy running round Searing Gorge / Burning Steppes / other levelling zones on higher ping with a bunch of nerds PvPing me on their fancy American ping. A lot of my enjoyment of the game comes from having a few alts on the go, farming my own materials for flasks etc. Getting world buffs and farming consumes on a big PvP server where I am at a permanent disadvantage due to higher ping? Yeah nah, mate. You can stick it.

The idea of an OCE mega server (ie subsuming Penance into Shadowstrike) isn’t as bad, as long as we get warmode so that PvE preferrers can opt out.

That’s my feedback. Leave AU designated servers alone, let AU players stay on an AU / OCE server please.


Agree with all the other oceanic players we want the merge give us an oceanic mega server.


agree with halozy, this man speaks the truth


Merge with NA, high ping is completely playable in 20 year old PVE and PVP content. Private servers were even worse ping and there were thousands of OCE playing :tipping_hand_woman:


We don’t want the merge and we want a better solution tailored for oceanic.

Also unban gdkp’s and watch the population increase.

Oceanic community are absolutely NOT in agreement.

There is a large community on Wild Growth that has relocated and wanted transfers for months. We want all of our old toons transferred from Penance to Wild Growth.

Ping is absolutely not a problem on Wild Growth, and our peak times are WAY busier than Penance or Shadowstrike. Any option that doesn’t allow transfer from Penance to Wild Growth is a massive loss for people who want that larger server.


Who are “we”? The developer team is not going to listen to a known racist such as yourself.

Also, do not dare even begin to think you are able to speak for me.

Please leave gdkps out of this discussion. We are all better off with their ban. Good riddance.


Please please do not kill the oceanic PvP server. It’s probably looking worse for ware because everyone is confused about what’s going on, and heat 3 has made the alt population smaller. Even then, the population on Shadowstrike is actually fine. Don’t kill Shadowstrike just because Penance is dying. That’s absurd.

Shadowstrike will be fine when phase 5 launches. If you force us onto US ping you will pretty much be killing every single oceanic guild, and bringing SoD to an end for most of us. Guilds aren’t going to agree on whether they stay or go. People won’t play on US ping.

If you do this, it’s an incredible rug pull on us oceanic players, and you’re killing what we all put almost a year into building.

The population was growing despite heat 3, and with BWL and 10 man raiding with ZG around the corner, almost certainly Shadowstrike’s population will be fine. Please leave us be and give us a chance in phase 5. Please revisit this after we see how phase 5 turns out.


Oceanic community are absolutely NOT in agreement.

There is a large community on Wild Growth that has relocated and wanted transfers for months. We want all of our old toons transferred from Penance to Wild Growth.

Surely, though, you are NOT the Oceanic community any more. You are NA players. Those of us who have remained on an OCE server have shown our tacit agreement by continuing to play on an OCE server…

This is honestly so strange, it’s 2024 yet we are going backwards? I’m not even from OCE but what a slap in the face to that community. People’s gameplay is directly affected (by high pings). But their argument is well now you’ll have more people to play with? At the expense of a reduced quality of gameplay…

If they leave it as is people will quit, and they should.


I already played a massive PVP mega server back in classic, don’t make me do it again or we are all prob going to quit if we have to.
PVP on mega servers are just pure griefing and as far as I know you’re all against griefing so don’t do this. Let us go from PVP → PVE
I don’t want to deal with Streamers either, that was pure cancer back in classic and by how much people has been griefing, it’s going to get worst.


Exactly. They are underestimating how many people will straight up quit. I’m not playing on 200ms ping after being on 18ms ping for all of Classic and all of SoD. If this goes ahead, I’ll be unsubscribing - SoD is the only reason I have a sub in the first place.


I have an idea. How about you make the mega server OCE and get the opinions and feed back of the NA player base?