Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Is anyone working on the LUA Error?
Message: …/Blizzard_StoreUI/Vanilla/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua:2342: attempt to concatenate local ‘str’ (a nil value)
Time: Thu Sep 19 06:23:41 2024
Count: 1
Stack: …/Blizzard_StoreUI/Vanilla/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua:2342: attempt to concatenate local ‘str’ (a nil value)
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_StoreUI/Vanilla/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua”]:2342: in function StoreVASValidationFrame_AppendError' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_StoreUI/Vanilla/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua"]:2525: in function StoreVASValidationFrame_SetErrors’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_StoreUI/Vanilla/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua”]:2425: in function <…/Blizzard_StoreUI/Vanilla/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua:2400>

I’m with you there, still can’t transfer any character over to Crusader Strike from Lone wolf :\

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same, just got that error myself

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I don’t quite understand. If no one wants to transfer off Shadowstrike, what is the harm in opening up transfers? Surely all the players will stay.
And those “few” who want to move, can.
I cant wait to get off the realm and actually be able to find a group outside of a 2 hour “peak” window.
Elron is just trying to ruin things for everyone like he did with TBC arena so he could win trade.


speed things up? my eta just keep getting longer

Server keeps kicking people off on Wild Growth

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I think maybe some progress? Error still shows up but the cog beside characters shows they are actually being transferred now. Anybody else have this resolved?

Still getting the LUA error, but the cog wheel for existing transfers now says Please address these issues: The selected realm is not accepting character transfers at this time…

This is becoming a joke now, we are being held hostage because a few! Blizzard please just open limited server transfer, 2 characters per account from Shadowstrike to Crusader strike. This way the people who want to go can and won’t be held hostage. And the others who want to stay can enjoy shadowstrike.


no more spamming lfg for 40 mins would be nice




Once again catering to the entitled streamers without any consideration for the needs of your RP community whom they actively harm.

You won’t even let us move to Wild Growth or Lava Lash so we can RP with our friends over there.


RIP Wild Growth you lived a short life

is this why era servers keep getting DC’d?

did you by chance recently complete the cauldron quests in WPL? That’s the mail I’m waiting on for my character… can take 24-48 hours apparently ._.

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i have 2 level 60’s and a bank alt and an alchemy alt. I need all 4 toons transfered please


Not working OCE Shadowstrike. I can select my character, click the transfer real box and nothing happens from there. I can type Crusader Strike… nothing happens and can’t click continue.

Are they open for OCE or not?


Exactly and it will get even worse if blizzard locks people out of the merge. If you don’t let them leave a realm they think is dying and give them an option to go somewhere that’s active…You get people who have no options but to unsub. Because I am pretty confident in saying nobody on SS is going to want to re roll after they have several toons geared or rank 10 toons with all their runes ,rep and profs onto a busy pvp mega realm full of geared players ganking them non stop


Impossible to find people for leveling content on shadowstrike.
Let people who are not playing just to raid with the same people transfer to crusader strike, please!

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Hey thanks for allowing character creation randomly on Crusader Strike. Over half my guild lost our toon names

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