Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Bro there’s like 2 people from shadowstrike wanting to stay, everyone else is ready to go.

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The intent is for them to read it when they do get to work mate. It’s peak night time here in Australia so obviously thats when we are going to post the most.


They thought the new 50/50 faction balancing would help with the 24/7 max lvl gank squads repeatedly killing people 10 lvls lower than them.

They were wrong. People just layer swap until they find the layer they outnumber the other faction 10-1 and continue the grief.

Classic pvp is a complete joke.

Ha ha ha ha ha
So good

thanks for the reply

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To reiterate. Please allow people on Penance and Shadowstrike to transfer if that is what they want (as I do).

I personally was happy with the original announcements and updates about allowing server transfers, as such I didn’t think it was necessary to speak up and was unaware of the campaign to have it restricted in the oceanic region.

A lot of people are claiming the discussions over the previous days/weeks is evidence enough to restrict transfers from OCE → US but I am sure there were many others like me who don’t engage in the forums or realm discords very often that weren’t even aware there was push back to what we saw as a great option.


Disappointed that we were all expected to transfer, and it broke within 2 hours. Come on guys, do better.



This times 100!

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A few forum trolls, and a meaningless discord poll DO NOT speak for me. They DO NOT speak for OCE, and they DO NOT speak for Penance.

Stop listening to trolls.

Allow players the choice to do as they wish. If the player base does indeed like SS, they will not transfer and the server will be safe. I suspect the trolls are wrong, and half the server will leave. That is their prerogative.

All of Penance wants to move to WG.

Free Penance.

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I don’t even know why you’re in this forum, you don’t play on Shadowstrike anymore, a lot of people don’t even like you and you harbour racists and degens in your “Realm discord”. You’re literally a sh*t poster and your involvement has single-handedly ruined the OCE community.

We didn’t want the transfers and we made suggestions on what would be acceptable.

Sorry penance didn’t get transfers your situation is different and its why i agree with the transfers being open for penance.

You however lose all credbility when you start saying shadowstrike should also suffer the same fate as penance when people on server do not want that and is significantly larger and healthier than penance.

Good luck hope you do get your xfer to wildgrowth just not at the expense of our entire region and shadowstrike.

Still not able to transfer…this is a s*it show, not gonna lie…



you do not speak for anybody.

You are afraid of player choice, because you know they will leave. That is their prerogative.

When shadowstrike dies, it is natural selection in action.

Free OCE from trolls.
Free Penance.
Free Shadowstrike.


Fixed it for you.

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You can keep repeating the same line all you want.

The oceanic community voiced there opinion against transfers it was heard and they were stopped we are happy about that.

You can voice your opinion too and as ive said i agree with you in regards to penance transfers however you are not on shadowstrike so your opinion is irrelevent here.

A loud and vocal minority did sure - but now the silent majority have come to have their say.

Again, whenever you continue to claim that a “majority of OCE” players dont want the FCM’s - and by that you are including Penance - then you have to expect we’re going to have our say :slight_smile:

Majority of oceanic are on shadowstrike not penance therefore the majority have voiced there opinion which were against transfers penance population is a minority in oce you are not the majority your server is dead and community extremely small.

Your server transfers shouldn’t of been locked because your server is already dead.

That is blizzards fault not ours they have all the data on all the servers and make the decisions.

a meaningless 300 discord poll is not the majority speaking.

You are afraid of true choice, because you know shadowstrike will die.

We will see what the players really decide.


FREE SHADOWSTRIKE!! give us a choice to transfer away from the dead server

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They already did that’s why you can’t currently transfer.