Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

You don’t speak for Penance anyone on our server knows we have been talking about this for weeks and preparing for it. We are a close knit community and we look after each other. We don’t want to be on a PVP server and we have no interest in being forced to play on one. Spamming our LFG is also not helping your cause.


What do you mean? Don’t you know he’s the designated speaker nominated by his minority of little buddys that dictate the servers future?

I never said you should xfer to us from Penance

You literally did multiple times and I have provided evidence of it above. Let me give direct links:

You don’t get to now wave your hands innocently and claim you had nothing to do with the Penance holdup. Own your words. Blizzard listened to you.

See my (as “Akudeetoo”) previous post where I link to all the shadowstrikers who have contributed to the feedback that has led to Blizzard holding up the Penance transfer.

Now roughly 400 active raiders on Penance (yep) who had coordinated, packed up toons, mail, bank, coordinated and agreed with other guilds are peeved. Many of them took the day off work to do the transfer.


The size of the sample isn’t the issue. It’s the fact that’s it’s not a random sample.

If I was against the transfer and wanted to keep my low ping, I would be 100 times more likely to go vote on the poll.

If I wanted to transfer, and blizz said they’re going to allow optional transfers, why would I go vote on a poll when blizz already decided what’s happening? I wouldn’t waste a second of my time voting.

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sooo…does anyone know of any info update of when ill be able to transfer from lonewolf to crusader strike?

Oceanic community are very happy with the transfers being stopped.

I am certain we all want a better outcome than to see our region be destroyed and forced onto NA without any solution addressing the ping.

I hope in the coming weeks blizzard can explore and figure out a way to either provided oceanic seeded instanced servers , oce layer on crusader strike or some other workable and acceptable solution for our region.

We aren’t going to accept the same outcome as you did to us in season of mastery and we don’t want this to be an issue we have to face again in the future.

Please make this your priority so all of the oceanic players can enjoy the game they play.

Nope. Were all stuck right now.

So many people got the LUA/Error ‘please try again later’ and now the server transfers are locked and we just gotta wait for them to say something or give another update. Sucks too cause, I got raid today & I doubt I’m making it.

This is also happening to a lot of my friends, guildies, on both factions. Lotta people are stuck.


Please stop speaking for all of us when you only speak for a vocal minority.


Penance should obviously be allowed to transfer. There is no argument.

Now for shadowstrike:

The argument from people I see is:

“majority of the community doesn’t want to transfer, we have a healthy population, low ping, and did a poll where 70% wanted to stay.

But if they open OPTIONAL transfers off of SS, the 30% of people leaving would destroy the server and the population would be too low. So everybody would be “forced” to transfer.”

Can’t have it both ways. If 30% of your server takes an optional transfer and that kills your server pop, then it obviously wasn’t very healthy to begin with. 30% of WG or CS could transfer off and both servers would still be completely fine.

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Ah well that’s enough for me. Done with this game. Will try again in another year or two after the disappointment fades. Be proud Blizzard you somehow managed to divide and screw over what was left of us OCE players. You and your team really are very special CLAP CLAP!!

Please open transfers back up. My main is stuck not with my guild :cry:

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Literally my guild is waiting for me on Crusader Strike.

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Waiting for another ‘update’. I’d really like to get to Crusader Strike, please open them and fix your LUA/error problems. This is really badly executed.

I played Penance and left for Wild Growth some time ago. The ping is a non issue. Those that think it is a problem probably remember pre OCE servers. Now the technology is soooo much better you don’t even notice it. I love Wild Growth I couldn’t gear my toons on Penance being unable to group when my guild wanted to. I think there are already more oceanic people on Wild Growth than on Penance has been for sometime.

I Don’t understand the ppl whining about being grieved, you rolled on a pvp server what did you think was going to happen? If you didnt want to be ganked or have to contend with pvp in the world, why in the world did you not just roll on a carebear server? Sorry but not sorry!

It’s 6:45 AM in California right now, i doubt Blizzard employees even get to the office until 8 or 9pm. Ya’ll are so entitled you want employees to work around the clock so that you can play a video game. Relax.


if this was a free to play game sure… its common for devs to be on call for things that blow up or just expect to stay on late for releases if your infra is this messed up

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We have a whole server on Penance stuck in limbo right now - auction house was drained and guilds prepared to move, ppl took time off work or wfh for the day to move toons and try and save toon names… what a mess! It can’t be left like this. If Shadowstrike want to remain as they are so be it - that’s great for them - but Penance does not and we are ready to go. People are unsubbing and leaving the game or planning breaks until its resolved. We hope that this decision is reversed soon. We appreciate those who have spoken up for us in here.


you and everyone else

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What are you talking about? They opened the flood gates at 9PM EST last night and didn’t say 1 word till many hours later, after people had been stuck. They just clocked out for the night after they opened it. And we pay for this game, quit with your simping for a multi billion dollar company that can’t even get free character transfers done properly despite having weeks if not months of preparation.