Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

The easiest way to fix this is to re-enable FCM’s for both SS and Penance and allow the players themselves to choose whether to stay or go.

If, as you claim, a “majority” of people on SS will stay then SS has nothing to worry about does it?

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You can clearly see, by reading his posts in this and other threads, that he’s getting off on the power he thinks this has given him.

Oceanic and shadowstrike survived as a region.

For about 5 minutes until both realms die.

But they do have something to worry about so they have to control and manipulate the situation.

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Nah the silent majority has now surfaced and is voicing their concern.

I’g glad this happened, after all SOD is intended to be a trial, so incidents like this, i.e., minorities who rotate accounts, spam forums and try to invalid other’s opinions, do not happen again in the future.

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“Oceanic survived as a region” Yet on a dying server where the Majority are asking for this. Will it really?

Second time its happened hopefully blizzard will provide a better solution in the future to avoid this happening a 3rd time.

“solo dev hobby project” company

I wouldn’t call players ready to do a mass exodus because of the state of the region survival. What you did was manipulate a situation to benefit yourselves over the needs of the many.

It’s pathetic. It’s gross. It’s an extreme abuse of power over people you don’t know who didn’t ask you for this and Blizzard has lost their minds for actually listening to you.

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The majority of us wanted Blizz to implement the solution they had - FCM’s. But a vocal minority ruined that for us and condemned both SS and Penance to slow deaths.

Very happy with the outcome enjoy your night.

ELron more like L ron

I can’t wait to see your whinging when Blizz reverses their decision on this because an ACTUAL MAJORITY is now calling for FCM’s to be reinstated.

He’s sitting there happily licking his cheeto covered fingers for the night. Until tomorrow after a large uproar of players are pissed off and blizzard reinstates FCM. He’ll be back to condemn you all for ruining “HIS” Wow experience. Thanks guys.

Fixed again your welcome.

Bro is a savior being crucified by his people o7

This thing is the exact s*** show we all envisioned it would be lol

Turn back FCT on already, ppl too busy complaining about oce servers they don’t even realize nobody can FCT at all on any server.

Let me leave this roting server…

Hey GarnetHound, could we address kind of a more or less 5 month and waiting question about the pvp to pve transfers that ‘magically’ went away and never opened back up? or got any more feedback? You did say back then that re-evaluation would be done on monday 5 months ago and we were all expecting more feedback on that. why now, are we not allowed to go from pvp to pve with this consolidation effort? Could you please give an update on that since some of us have been waiting 5 months for an update? many people i’m sure would like to still go to pve from pvp and it was a bit unfair how you let people move in such micro windows of opportunity. since you all are set on consolidation whats the problem with letting people go pvp to pve since the ‘balance’ issue only really applies to pvp servers. anyone who wants to go pvp to pve is likely not playing those toons anymore so its going to skew population anyways. let the pvp go pve who want to. all you’re doing at this point is preventing people from playing those toons where they would like to continue playing them. they have had enough of the griefing or want to play with friends who transfered already so i mean could we please at least get some feedback on this subject since 5 months of waiting is neither acceptable or professional? go back and look at the old thread, there are still people asking for updates and none have been had since april. I feel like we’ve been more than patient in waiting for this response and now seems an appropriate time for an answer on the subject of pvp to pve transfers.