Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

It’s because I imagine they feel somewhat empowered… on the SS discord channel they seem to a few rando’s who listen to & encourage them and their strange ramblings. They know they would get punted from the CS discord instantly and lose their miniscule audience they preach to along with what they perceive as a little bit of fictional online cred.

Yeah it’s literally elron, that moonwing clown who has even less brain cells than elron, and the owner of the discord pushing his own poll all stroking each other’s egos and making terrible suggestions that would have 0 impact on anything. Hopefully they allow us to merge so we can get away from those clowns haha.

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morning update on transfer issues?

There gonna be ANY names available on this mega server? No, this is a bad change.

I am sorry. I only made a post and wrote about my thoughts. Feel free to read it. I was telling people to transfer if they wanted to also.

The server feels great, I play every day but still it’s game design - people have no reason to login - it’s the same anywhere, the queue for AV was 15 minutes today and we share a battlegroup with CS.

The problem is Blizzard trying to destroy our server as the next raid is about to come out.
No one from Shadowstrike wanted an xfer until Blizz told them so (and also planned to disable character creation.)

hey there, just wondering when there will be an update so i may be able to transfer from lone wolf to crusader strike, currently its not working?

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Back onto the topic of this mess. Bliz you are using SOD as a testing group so it’s somewhat good that these problems are surfacing now. Here is a summary:

Don’t base your decision on a few muppets rotating characters and spamming the public forum. Stick with your announced decisions. If you want to gauge the community’s feedback, do it properly - ask people to vote, 1 vote per account, and give plenty of notice so both sides can invest time and ‘campaign’.

What happened today is that the silent majority who agreed with your announcement and therefore saw no need to make any posts got completely blind sided by a last minute change that was based on spams from a few clowns.


You told me to shut up and stop writing because I was writing too much then I asked why you didn’t say that to elron who has been repeating himself for days and you ignored that.

Blizzard is trying to save the oceanic population with the merge, who cares if the server survives if we don’t have anyone left to play the game with? The merge might hurt shadowstrike but it will literally save the oceanic population in the long run. You’re trying to delay the death of the server which will cause way more players to quit in the long runs.

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Perhaps they can investigate Elron’s postings but he definitely does not speak for me.

edit: I said you have been posting for 12 hours and to stop typing and touch grass XD

I’m just curious why it’s okay for someone who shares your opinion to ramble constantly but when I try to defend my opinion you tell me to shut up?


Fixed it for you also post on your shadowstrike main or your opinion is irrelevent.

LOL says the guy posting from multiple accounts.

It doesn’t need any fixing. Your comments are worthless stop posting.

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Nah im good ill keep posting because its what people wanted and we got it.

Nothing you can do or say is going to change that especially not on an arugal alt talking about shadowstrike.

You act like im trying to hide something its the same account different character at 60 on shadowstrike ? why’s that upset you bro you okay ?

I’m not upset, just flabbergasted that Blizzard would take your minority claims as being from the majority.

Nah my comments are much more relevant and actually represent what most people on Shadowstrike want.

Nothing you say will change the fact that the majority of posts today wanted the transfer.

The silent majority has now spoken. Open the transfer and let everyone decide for themselves. It’s now dead obvious that this forum was spammed by a sweaty few who has nothing better to do other than rotating accounts and duplicate posts.

Loud minority coming out after not getting what they wanted imagine my suprise.

Oceanic won today and we are happy.

I do hope they provide a workable solution for everyone in the coming weeks that benefits ALL of the oceanic community not just the minority who wanna kill oceanic and shadowstrike.

i just want to know when ill be able to transfer form lone wolf to crusader strike, ( sorry posted on my alt first by accident )

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Real man but this forum is pretty funny

Somehow I don’t think the thousands of people you guys trapped with your limited poll are going to agree with this sentiment.

Imagine thinking you’re so important that you should get to dictate and control how thousands of other people enjoy their game. A dead server is still going to die all you did was drag it out longer and make people want to quit who would have otherwise kept playing.

I don’t see a single thing to gloat or be proud of here.

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