Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Trump 2024!

Again, when you include Penance in your “OCE majority” claim, you must expect we’re going to want to have a say :slight_smile: Sorry that your “OCE majority” claim is currently being disproven.

The poll literally says shadowstrike on it, why are you voting on the wrong realm’s poll?

very weird behaviour.

Penance players left penance and went NA they aren’t oceanic lol.

Just talking in a circle with these two spaming the forums probs let themselves burry the forums while people just watch 2 people argue with a bunch of new names


Yeah Im definately noticing it’s just 2 of them regurgitating the same arguments


its literally Elron and Chad against the world at the moment lol

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And 320 other people that clicked they don’t want to merge.

320 - out of thousands who didnt click.

ive played since day one and still dont use the server discord. Im sure thousands of others dont either

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are you guys even sure thats why the paused the transfers because of a small poll?

Yesterday only 6-7 members of our guild managed to transfer successfully. Now we have the big surprise that they are going to make changes in their decisions. Will those of us who transferred to Crusader Strike be able to transfer for free to another server in case of a change of plans, or will they just leave us there and destroy the guilds of most of the players?

The same people who put up that poll are the ones who got into these forums and convinced Blizzard to not open transfers for both realms. They are making false claims that their small poll justifies this.

but after reading others they want some kind of seeded instances with better ping, if you do that wont us in the US suffer if we join pugs and all of a sudden have 200 ping? I got in a couple aus AV games and it was unplayable.


I had not posted on this topic once until after the poll had been up for 24h.

Why lie? It doesn’t help your cause.

I again wish to say, your realm, penance PVE, should be immediately FCM’d to Crusader Strike.
Your realm, not ours.

If your server can’t survive that 20-25% of people leaving, who feel held hostage by the current situation, then perhaps it isn’t as healthy of a server as you claim it is.


Are you concerned that if they opened up FCMs for SS that too many people would transfer off? If not, then why are you so concerned? If the majority on SS (as you claim) want to stay on the server then they will - FCM or no FCM.

People repeatedly posting this haven’t ever lead a guild, I guess?

Can you imagine how frustrating and disruptive suddenly losing 20% of your roster would be? A bunch would just disband the guild out of annoyance, because literally everyone would be recruiting to replace the roles which are now open.

FCM is guaranteed death for a small/medium realm, healthy or not.

How about No? This is a blue-visible sticky thread and we have every right to be here as you. You don’t get to dismiss us because we don’t agree with you, nor do you get to dismiss anyone posting on alts, or any other made up claim, particularly given that you have hounded, reported and apparently attempted to harass those who disagree with you.

You’ve spent the last 5 days arguing in this thread that Penance should be merged into a megaserver with Shadowstrike. Now you want to about-face and claim that Penance has no right to discuss our fate in this thread?

You wanted to drag us into your little campaign, well now we are here.


If that many people on SS want to transfer then you’re effectively holding them hostage.

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