Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

The majority of OCE did NOT want this - 87% of SS people didnt respond to the poll and nobody on Penance was asked to participate so we’re not included either. Please stop misrepresenting numbers to support your argument.

We ARE fighting - what do you think we’re doing here?

Clearly they did and we got what we asked for.

I’m sorry your angry and i hope they do open penance but not at the expense of shadowstrike.

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If you use active player numbers not, like some of the monkeys in this thread are doing, total discord member numbers, the sample size is actually 25-30%.


Active raiding characters are just under 3000.
It’s a very fair and conservative assumption that players are raiding on average 2 characters, so the active raiders is around 1500.
Add on a fair margin for people who are not raiding at all in the past 2 weeks, and that 500 response rate does not seem so insignificant anymore…

You are fighting to burn down a healthy and active server. Stop fighting SS and pointing the finger. We fought to keep SS alive and so far are winning. Now you need to fight For penance without trying to drag us down. Just like Elron said, Penance deservers their xfer if they want it. Whingers or not. Do not fight us who are fighting to save our active server. Focus your fight on saving your server not pointing the finger and blaming us. They can give you an xfer and leave us be if you fight for it.


Anyone with 2 eyes can see that the poll is not representative of even the majority of SS (let alone OCE) given 87% of people on the SS discord did not participate.

Numbers don’t lie.

Some SS people are saying its ALL of OCE who wanted this. I am simply responding to those lies.

I strongly recommend you stop trumpeting this weird statistic of total discord members lol, most of them have quit and do not play the game anymore, so of course they would not participate in the poll.

Why would people who don’t play the game take the time to vote on 3 questions about the game?

Use total active players as a metric instead.

This - 100000%

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Invalid point. That server has been ongoing with members since the start of SoD. People join, quit but never leave the discord because it gets muted. The focus of the data is based on active members.

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Using that as a statistic would mean we’re now counting the health of Penance with it’s inactive players which means you have a healthy server

You saying our server is active - yet the same 5 guilds have been Looking for members for the last 2 weeks is countering your arguement. Most guilds are struggling to recruit currently and alot of them are in talks of merging… even then most of them raid log.

The server is far from healthy


You are a minority on a dead server once again im sorry you don’t get to transfer right now.

However do not blame shadowstrike or the oceanic community majority for this issue we are also asking for your server to be opened for transfers so you can go to wild growth or shadowstrike.

Don’t drag the oceanic region or shadowstrike down just because you are angry at blizzard not acknowledging individual servers situations we aren’t hard stuck together and penance is very different to shadowstrike and should be intentionally killed with transfers because a vocal minority of people who don’t play on penance and have moved already want alts and gold.

Do not be selfish rephrase what you are asking for and leave the oce community and shadowstrike out of what you are asking.

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Free shadowstrike lets us move

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Most people I know would rather not play than move to your server. It’s WG or bust, as far as i’m concerned and many think the same way.


You’ve made the same argument multiple times. You realise some of those same guilds are guilds that have multiple active raid teams and want to have more and more raid teams active and running to keep gear rolling. When a single guild can have 4 raid teams. lets say a % of each team is alts. That could mean anywhere between 30-60 active raiders in a single guild. Not to mention we have a good amount of active raiding guilds who simply don’t need to update their roster. People are comfortable where they are as we’ve had a year to build communities and homes within these guilds.

I’m seeing plenty of Shadowstrike people who did not respond to that poll also now posting here wanting transfers reopened. More evidence that your “OCE majority” theory is incorrect.


Please google ‘Anecdote’

I really dont see you point there. Do you have one?

I could say the same about you wanting to destroy an entire region and server because you want transfers instead of just phrasing your question/request as please open transfers for just penance to xyz.

Direct your time and energy into the thread i provided above asking for exactly what you want.