Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

I think that’s the biggest takeaway from that poll.


This guy’s discord poll is a joke. It’s not an official poll in any sense of the word. It barely had any participation, and the only reason he clings to it is because it validates his poor opinions.

Shadowstrike dicord does not speak for OCE. Let Penance transfer.


Let People transfer off OCE servers, those couple of guilds that keep spamming the forums, dont actual speak for everyone. Let them stay and open transfers for everyone else


No one, especially not me, has at any point claimed that shadowstrike speaks for penance.

Why? because they are two completely different realms.

Penance should be FCM’d immediately, the realm is dead af.

Shadowstrike is not dead, it has 3000 active raiding members and from a statistically significant sample size (yes, that is how opinion polls work, shocking!) the majority have said they do not want to transfer.

A majority, obviously, means that not everyone agrees. The “wahh you don’t speak for me” points are insane, that is not what is happening.
Simply, a very neutral poll was advertised in discord and in game, it has about 500 responses, most of which want to stay, this is more than enough to judge sentiment from the wider shadowstrike community. If you disregard such a large sample % then you arguing in extremely bad faith.

My personal on opinion this has absolutely no impact, the poll is extremely neutral, read it yourself.

transfers have been broken for 6 hrs and you guys still arguing about OCE servers, even if you could transfer right now you couldn’t

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87% of people not participating in the poll is not a small number. Statistically it is the majority.

average blizzard experience

The communication on Blizzard’s part has been beyond shocking. To leave Penance players in the wind at the last possible moment is infuriating. Everyone was prepped to leave. Allow our transfers to WG so we can play on a live server, I’ll take 150ms over a dead server any day. Its sad to see Penance continue to suffer because of a completely separate sever that has nothing to do with us…

Free Penance.


you’re comparing this against the total number of discord members, not against the total active shadowstrike players.

In addition, a 15-20% sample size from a good source is absolutely statistically significant. How do you think opinion polls operate in real life?

its absolutley not a good sample size. A small group of noisy wheels forces an entire community to stagnate and die, just open server xfers for everyone so people can choose if they want to stay or not.

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Look as someone who has been involved in managing raiding/pvp guild joys since the late 90’s, I commend you on the discord server and the level of activity and those who over the life of the server have engaged on it.

At first glance it indicates a strong community… but.

The poll response size after several days of “multiple members spammed poll in game” and “pushed guild leaders to encourage their members to vote” only generated an 8% NO to the adventure to a Mega US server and pre-2014 latency. Which is about what I’d expect if it was representing a particularly vocal group of diehards who don’t want to leave their server :slight_smile:

However it’s not representative of the entire server.

But still worth :beers: for the effort mate


Well from ABS and political polling, anything under 30% response rate, we’d abandon as it’s not sufficient to make any accurate decisions from and risks being skewed by organised noisy groups :smiley:

But mate, you have tried, I will give you that :beers:

Oceanic community voiced there feedback today is a good day for our server and region.

The next 2 logical steps forward for our region are the following

1.Work on a solution that either allows oceanic seeding or something else that is acceptable to all oceanic players.

2.Look at revisiting the gdkp policy as this will bring a large group back to the game.

Thank you again not only did you save the oceanic community and our server but my guild are very happy they are no longer forced to leave and hope for a better solution in the future.

It was at around 400 responses after 24h, it’s now at around 500. It’s not several days.
We were only given 4 days warning from blizzard that OCE was confirmed to even be included in these FCM moves.

Whats very telling for me is that if server transfers had have been opened for both SS and Pen, and if those that say the majority on SS wanted to stay are correct then SS wouldn’t have had anything to worry about as nobody on SS would have done the transfer.

Dont use logic mate… thats big brain…


If you want to keep any kind of integrity you would lock the post before its exploited number wise naturally there will be people trying to skew results either way.

The majority of OCE wanted this and we go it and until they can come back to us with a better offer than accept NA ping we are happy on shadowstrike.

By doing so you have doomed Penance and clearly don’t seem to care.

I have a thread open asking for penance to have its transfers open to either shadowstrike or wildgrowth or both.

Please don’t make assumptions.

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And Penance wanted to doom us and didn’t care. It’s a vicious cycle. No one is getting out of this without someone getting cucked unless blizzard lets penance do one thing and SS do another. We’re 2 separate communities. Fight for your change without burning what we want/need.

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