Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

What poll? I never knew about a poll, and I’m sure many others didnt either. How does a poll that I never knew about represent me?


lol what a one-sided sham poll. if you want a legit poll it would need to be tied to individual battletnet accounts and not some slapstick 3rd party app with a poll attached that most of the server has no idea about.

No one cares about penance, the poll is on for SS player on a SS disc channel. Why do you think you’re part of it?

you’re from penance, that’s why.
It’s a shadowstrike poll.

Penance should be merged, 100% dead realm, I don’t know anyone who picks PVE realms for a seasonal game mode is surprised when this happens.

If Penance aren’t a part of that poll, why aren’t we allowed to transfer now?

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My choice of PVE over PVP is irrelevant to this discussion.

Unfortunately blizzard offers no such mechanism for this, so the shadowstrike community did it themselves. I don’t see how it can be ‘one sided’, when the objective is to find community sentiment. It did exactly that, found community sentiment.

The poll is still open right now, anyone on shadowstrike can join and vote on it, including you. It’s fully public with no restrictions, just join the discord, vote and leave if you want.

Did you even look at the post you replied to?

Every raiding guild on Penance was ready to transfer.

That was literally the first sentence of the post you replied to. The only poll relevant to Penance had 90% ready to transfer.

A bit of history: 2 very vocal trolls from Shadowstrike in the top of this thread lumped all of OCE together and told Bliz not to let it go ahead, because they want Penance merged into Shadowstrike to boost its numbers - regardless of what the players of Penance actually want.

Because blizzard are not smart, and think seem to think that Shadowstrike feedback is Penance feedback.

This thread is full of Penance PVE players telling Shadowstrike PVP players they should transfer to Chicago, it’s very annoying. I am simply highlighting these are two completely different communities in two very different situations.
One is dead, because it’s PVE realm (they are always dead, it happens all the time, idk why people keep choosing PVE servers).
The other is not dead, it has 3000 active characters, leave it alone.

This is the kind of poll i would expect to see from dictatorships like North Korea and the likes. Kim approves!

I dont even know the discord link - and me voting on a Shadowstrike poll is irrelevant anyway as it still does not count everyone on Penance. A fairer poll would have been to post on both Penance and SS discords then combine the results.

I don’t think you understand what I’m saying.

You obviously do not need to vote on the shadowstrike poll, because you are not from shadowstrike.

The problem is that blizzard have lumped together both OCE servers into the same response, when they should have let Penance transfer, because it’s fully dead.

Shadowstrike is not dead, so should not be transfered.

We need a decision on the FCM offering for the Oceanic server: Penance (AU)

There is a massive issue stemming from the blue post that updated us players on FCMs:
“Oceanic servers are currently planned to be included in this FCM offering… The Oceanic PvE realm no longer sustains actual group play… we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times…”

Because of this, entire guilds were ready to transfer when they became available, only to have this update given at the time transfers were scheduled to begin.

It makes sense why our players were not pounding the forums. We read the blue post and understood that the current plan was for transfers to take place today. Had the developers’ change in thinking and decision to cancel FCMs for OCE been communicated at any time before the transfer window opened we would have had a chance to be on the forums earlier.

Please communicate your decision for our characters.


Do you have any suggestions on how to improve such a community poll? I am open to actual feedback.

Steps I have taken to make it as accessible as possible in the short period of time we had (48h before FCM implemented):

  • Put the poll as fully public, no role or access requirements
  • Simple 3 questions of: do you want to transfer Y/N If yes, why? If no, why? These questions were based off the blizzard bluepost on the topic.
  • Pinged poll public on our 3k member community discord.
  • Multiple members spammed poll in game
  • Pushed guild leaders to encourage their members to vote

Free shadowstrike big inbred chad does not speak for us or his crap racist discord poll

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Congratulations on the weirdest reply so far.

I was attempting to quote one of your previous posts and couldn’t get the formatting right so I deleted it.

Free OCE Let us transfer off


Here’s the link that the server shared in another thread which I can confirm works

The poll in under “announcements”

From the Discord in question, there are 3811 members on the Discord.

312, or 8% of the player base responded to the poll saying “I do NOT want Shadowstrike to be merged into a US Mega Realm”

5% of the membership of the Discord (182), responding saying “I do want Shadowstrike to be merged into a US Mega Realm”.

1% (32) responded saying that they didn’t care either way.

87% of the members, or 3285 did not participate.


Here’s the link that the server shared in another thread which I can confirm works