Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Free shadowstrike!!!


2ms all day everyday on oce servers, get better net. oh sea can’t mb

You get that because you live in Sydney, very near to the data center where the blizzard servers are located.

It’s literally nothing to do with your ISP, it’s entirely a geographic issue, I feel like i am explaining networking to a dog.

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Yeah it’s a s show, can’t believe people want to play with this ping

Lmao no s*** clearly living somewhere that has f*** all, move location if you want better.

Please open transfers from SS/Penance to CS as you said you would. Would be lovely to feel like I am playing an mmo again


I get 1Gbs fiber as a base standard here, our internet is vastly better than Australia’s. NBN is an international meme in the IT community. When I worked in Sydney I couldn’t believe such a rich country had such terrible networking, it’s actually a disgrace lmao.

Again, the issue is simply that the shadowstrike server is physically located in sydney.
Moving this server to chicago makes an acceptable situation for west coast/SEA players, unacceptable.

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This forum gone from character transfers to who has the biggest epen in internet wow this is hilirous

You’re delusional if you believe that.

nice, how do u get ony or rend?

Please let us transfer off Crusader Strike onto Wild Growth…

This is incursions all over again. Last minute updates with no testing.
Please let OCE transfer to the mega server as its hard enough to fill a raid group with the small population server and it will only continue to decline.


Every raiding guild on Penance was ready to transfer. I’m not particularly happy with the ping or loss of character names, but it was the lesser of 2 evils. Our Guild has been on the edge of folding and we were hoping that moving from a dead AU server to Wild Growth might just give us an infusion of new blood to keep us going. Now it appears we are being held hostage by the vocal minority. If this doesn’t change in the next couple of days I will cancel my sub & another AU guild will go down the tubes.


whos making a toon to keep track on this guy we cant move might as well be destructive lol

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Blizzard, and a very loud and vocal minority on Shadowstrike, have doomed Penance to failure. EVERY raiding guild on Penance was ready to move to Wild Growth today - our AH had been drained, mail had been sorted and people had said their goodbyes. Then, at the last minute we find out that people FROM ANOTHER SERVER have spoken for us and effectively doomed our server. Well now the SILENT MAJORITY is speaking up and DEMANDING that the transfers be allowed to go ahead before the people on Penance stop playing the game altogether.


did blizz announce this whole OCE thing so that you guys can argue over that instead of the actual transfers not even working at all?

This is entirely a blizzard failure to discern between these two communities. Shadowstrike was always only ever protesting for shadowstrike, I fully agree penance should have been FCM’d, it’s full dead.

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Does anyone know how long the free realm transfers are open for?

Have you seen the polls? we are the majority

Simply addressing our friends assumption that everyone who has high ping to chicago must have ‘dial up internet’, because he simply doesn’t understand how the internet works.