Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms GT-AX11000-D990 [123.456.78.1]
2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms ARCHER_VR2100 [123.456.1.1]
3 3 ms 4 ms 4 ms loop159196920.bng.MYISPHERE .net []
4 186 ms 185 ms 185 ms HundredGigE0-0-0-13.cfl2.nextdc-p2.per.MYISPHERE []
5 187 ms 197 ms 185 ms
6 * 188 ms 188 ms
7 * 188 ms 189 ms
8 188 ms 187 ms 187 ms
9 191 ms 189 ms 189 ms be20.lsr1.8gif.nsw.MYISPHERE .net [123.456.252.105]
10 231 ms 231 ms 231 ms et-0-0-0-pe02-evch1.as57976 .net [123.456.69.83]
11 237 ms 231 ms 231 ms
12 232 ms 231 ms 231 ms

I do NOT want to connect to Chicago, thanks.

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Your poll proves that the people that voted in the poll agree. Which is not proof of anything on a population scale. In fact, it is self selecting for the type of person who would be of that opinion.

This is not open or public. This is private and a very small group of people who would even participate in your discord. It is laughable that you think it will stand any kind of scrutiny if players were actually surveyed in game, in a public and open way.


I dont know why yall keep going on about ping ive been on the us servers since sod started - im Main Tank for our 2nd raid group MC Heat 3 have all my TF bindings and have never had issues with hitting a mob i out threat everyone with 240ms yall whine about the ping like ur doing arena its rather funny - i play from Australia


Free Penance! Open up free transfers for Penance!


lmao worried about ping on classic wow


Very happy with this decision and hoping they will also revisit there policy with gdkpā€™s as this will bring a significant portion of the playerbase back to the game.

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im australian and being raiding with americans since p1 we our guild at least is all migrating to the large server - due to lack of recruitment options for additional new players to fill spots that have opened as people stop playing

I wouldnt recommmend trying to go to lone wolf

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this is dumb, we been waitin hours now??? can we get a fix

There are 3000 active raiding characters, and currently nearly 500 responses in the poll.
Assuming on average itā€™s 2 raiding characters per player, weā€™re at around a ~30% sample size.
This is a HUGE sample size in terms of opinion polls. This is not a referendum, and does not require 100% participation to reveal sentiment.

What are you implying here? The poll is fully public, no roles special requirements. Itā€™s been shared in game repeatedly and shared out via guild leadership to their members.

literally not true, itā€™s completely public, you can go vote on it right now if you join the discord, you can then leave immediately after, i donā€™t care.

Whoever wants to stay can stay, but open up transfer so those who wants out can leave

Right now a small group of sweaty raiders on Shadowstrike is holding everyone, including those on a different server (lol talking about self-entitlement) hostage in their own interest


No one is saying itā€™s not possible to achieve these things while playing on a 0.2 - 0.3 second input delay, permamently.

People just simply donā€™t want to play an MMO in 2024 with 2004 level of delay.


Please give us OCE seeded instances and allow us to merge with Crusader Strike.

100% agree just open it up those that want to leave can leave those that dont arent forced to.

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old mate in the bluepost above has directly addressed this and said itā€™s not possible in the classic client.

Can people stop talking about ā€œOCEā€ as if we are one. Penance and Shadowstrike are as different as night and day.

90% of Penance voted to move to Wild Growth, we donā€™t want to merge with Shadowstrike and we want to be on a mega PvE server.

Unlike others, Iā€™m not going to speak on behalf of other servers but we know for a fact that Penance raiders want to go to Wild Growth.

Please stick with the well-announced plan that Penance was clearly absolutely happy with - we are the silent majority that have NOT been logging into the forums and complaining here previously, because we were totally onboard with your plan - and open up the transfers from Penance to Wild Growth.


Iā€™m looking for solutions, also Iā€™m not going to take offense on an internet forum.

So what you actually want to petition is to continue to allow the character creation through out and after the FCMā€™s? That would solve the first point, allowing fresh players to join and whatnot.

160 of the 1100 is closer to 15% not 20%, even then itā€™s only 5-6% of the active raiders on the server, but still not the point.

The people asking for transfers are clearly having trouble finding groups to get together - if their guild cared enough to take them on these runs they wouldnā€™t have this issue and wouldnā€™t want to leave. Tell their guilds to get their act together or lose their members, otherwise the players will leave because they arenā€™t enjoying the game.

People are already unsubscribing due to this issue. Mostly at, you know, having their ray of hope yanked out from under them at the last minute, but still.

Just curiously, did you get that link FROM the SS Discord? Because it doesnā€™t work. Itā€™s invalid.

Yep, itā€™s grim. Iā€™m based in SEA and get around 270 average to chicago.
Feels like garbage, press a button and 0.3 seconds later something happens, itā€™s like iā€™m having a stroke in real time.


SEA no wonder why itā€™s a terrible ping no matter where you plug to lmao

This is the issue with using sydney values when assessing OCE.
OCE is hugely distributed, australia alone sees up to a 100ms variance coast to coast, just because itā€™s so massive.
OCE serves SEA, there are no other playable options for this region.

By the way, the country Iā€™m living in, and most SEA countries, has vastly faster average internet than most of australia. Fibre networking is the standard here, and itā€™s very cheap.

The problem is simply geography and physics, itā€™s cannot be fixed via software.

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