Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

If you’re getting that sort of ping mate and running programmes to lower it somethings wrong. I sit on 100 ms with no programmes with other programmes 20 ms steady

100ms reduced to 20ms, from where to where?
These numbers are totally useless garbage unless you give a source and destination.

Not that it matters, but i suggest everyone who wants to move should vote. Its late, but will stop that silly argument that the majority of people want to stay.

the truth is, the majority of people on that discord server are the same like-minded tight knit clique. and then DONT speak for the rest of the server!


  2. go to annoucement channel

  3. Vote !

376 users in this thread and 1236 posts. Surely major decisions should be made based on this kind of feedback.

400 people voted on a private server discord for parsing guilds? Yeah that’s irrefutable evidence for blizzard to act on. Hey, great job collecting all that feedback.

Really thorough and I’m sure, quite reflective of the tens of thousands of people who just want to play and not piss and moan all over the place for this last week.


100 ms without any programmes after connecting vpn and exitlag I go down to 20 ms, are you asking where I connect my vpn to?

I am asking for your location, and the location of the server you are connecting to.

This is the basics of the internet and measuring ping values. Just posting random numbers without telling us these details is totally meaningless.

How long do you believe your pathetic sorcery can hold me? Let me transfer.

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Are you to brain dead to search where the server is located? doesn’t matter on my location when I connect the programmes. Get off it mate, you can’t even work out how to lower ya ping

The 20%-25% that want the merge WILL quit SOD either way! I guaranteee ya!!! Don’t drown us just because you think it will disintegrate your raid team. IT WILL HAPPEN either way! Like it or not.

Oh my god.

YOU POSTED that you get 100ms, reduced to 20ms using exit lag.

I am asking YOU where is your SOURCE (aka, your house, sydney? mumbai? london?) and your DESTINATION (if it’s Shadowstrike, then sydney, if it’s crusaderstrike, then chicago).

You have some seriously horrible reading comprehension issues.

Vocal minority are so mad i am getting spam reported in game and harassed because they can’t handle people have a different opinion than them and the majority didn’t want oceanic to die.

Doesn’t matter my location or where i’m connecting to, why you stating where the locations are, no one cares. it’s the ms i get

This weird insistence that I am responsible for this, personally, because I dared to collect data from the community. It’s so strange.

blizzard asked for feedback, I provided a way for the feedback to be measured and shared.

Brother please tell me you’re trolling, right?

Do you think that if you connect to a server in sydney, and a server in chicago, you’ll get the same ms?


Lol pretending you represent more than your tiny bubble of guildies and min max guilds is cringe. You know you got a nice target on your back because people would rather blame your “feedback” instead of the people in charge who have the responsibility of judging the feedback critically.

You played a good game here, you got what you wanted. But goodluck stopping a backtrack following this backtrack. You do not have the majority and you are delusional if you actually think so.


well said . 100% correct

#letOCEtransfer !!

Please ask this majority to share their opinion via the public and fully open poll on the shadowstrike discord

Perth, ya ikr, maybe lone wolf would be better for us

We do have polls to prove Elrons case, you don’t. :man_shrugging:

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GM of ‘Something need doing’ here. it’s been a good run but Blizz have basically made their choice on what’s going to happen. Most of my teams will stay behind and raid log till SoD ends, the rest of my teams are transferring in hopes of achieving easier recruitment and groups for dungeons, I think that’s the general rule for all players, if you’re in a stable raid team on OCE then stick around and make a plan on farming/stocking consumables to last the next 4-6 months. If you’re moving servers then best of luck mingling with a server that doesn’t actually need you, and are happy as they are with their small ping