Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

None, is that what you usually hold over people?

It’s the usual reason for random internet nobodies to start personally attacking me, by name, looking up things about me personally (what I am currently playing) and spamming up a forum thread with personal attacks.

it’s so weird man.

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#letOCEtransfer !


The discord elitism is weird man.

just joined - literally the same type of people sitting on a circle playing soggy biscuit.

explains the poll results.

What a joke, let us change from shadowstrike!!


What does that even mean? You keep spamming it.
All that i’ve done is created a way for the community to centralize and track feedback.

How is that ‘elitist’ ? You are making literally zero sense.

That’s exactly why it’s discord elitism bullcrap, BigChad doesn’t see it cause he’s the cause of half of it.

Did you at least vote before you left?

Let people who want to transfer move over and the people who want to stay can just stay simple as that really. WE SHOULD NOT BE HELD HOSTAGE!


are transfers even working i did mine as soon as it opened and none of my characters have been transfered

The community provided that feedback and got a small victory today now we push on for a better solution for OCE all the loud minority coming out now complaining when they had ample time to speak.

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All transfers for all realms are currently paused because of some technical issue, as per the recent bluepost update.

You only need to be in SW trade chat or LFG on Shadowstrike for less than 5 minutes to see the desperation.

Alliance post
MOTW - Legion - Raid log - neurodiverant - Succulent chinese meal

All guilds Desperately looking for new members. I personally have been recruiting for over a week and have had no bites that suit our roster.

Despite what people “think” there is a real urgency for a merge. Pugs are hardly filled, finding a dungeon OTHER than strath is a 20+ minute slog. The same people are spamming trade chat offering ridiculous prices for services due to lack of numbers. The AH is a shambles.

BOTH OCE servers need to be transferred.

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ahh makes sense just feels bad i know people that did theirs after me and it happened almost instantly and my characters stuck completely unplayable

Delusional. A cliquey Shadowstrike discord server doesn’t speak for all of OCE. You were the vocal minority and the amount of replies here ripping into for what you’ve sown, it’s pretty obvious that this is the case. You only care about parses yet you’re preaching like you care for all of OCE. You just hamstrung everyone on dead PVE realms. You keep bringing up GDKP returning like it’s a bargaining chip with Blizzard to “do better”. You’ve lost the plot


agreed completely .

The people that want to stay are a small loud minority that play in their own eco-system.

The rest of the region want OUT !

Your guild is the only one out of 6 major guilds that ISNT recruiting. you’re delusional if you think that our server is “healthy”

I keep hearing everyone wanting to stay is the vocal minority. Whilst then claiming Penance is dead but shadowstrike is healthy with a 3k active pop. So are we the Minority who are loud? Or the Majority with a healthy server that doesn’t want to see it destroyed because you want to play hello kitty island adventure and not Warcraft.

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You speak only for yourself. No-one else.