Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

People only have to look at the Bulletin Board to realise you cant get a group for anything for pretty much the entire day with the excception of a few hours in the evening. id rather play on a 200 ping (yes i did that for years on firetree back in original wow) then not have the numbers

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You don’t think it’s valuable to collect actual measurable opinion data for something like this?
When blizz directly said they are ‘open to feedback’ on this topic?
Why not?




Spoken like a true ninja, ofcourse we needed it, it helped me so many times to avoid ninja guilds

I surely hope you’re reading the hundreds of posts from disappointed players who were ready to transfer and you’ll reinstate Penance and Shadowstrike for the transfer option.
You’ve already told us Penance is not viable so you’re condemning all those paying customers to a bleak existence on a dead server.
Hear their voices now and do the right thing by offering transfers to Wild Growth. If the Shadowstrike community who were so vocal in opposition want to stay behind then so be it, don’t punish the majority who now speak up to quell the discontent of a few parse hungry raiders. Raid logging does not require a vibrant community or viable auction house, MMO pve content does.
Do the right thing, you know it makes sense.


Sounds like a you problem man.

As a fellow OCE Shadowstrike raider/guild officer since phase 1 we wanted this merge/transfer to happen. Last minute plan to pause it due to a minority of people complaining over ping issues is pretty poor. Alot of people want to xfer off the OCE servers to much more popular and active American servers like crusader strike. Raids are impossible to form groups for, dungeon forming takes 20minutes and we can only play in peak times. We would atleast like the option to leave and not be held hostage, thankyou blizzard.


Yes, exactly.
The more people from Shadowstrike that actually engage and vote in a measurable way, the better idea internally of the ‘real’ sentiment for this merge we get.

This forum thread is heavily polluted with penance and other US realm posters, who are discussing something totally different.

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There are 3000 active raiding characters weekly on shadowstrike.

Still cannot log into the character that is stuck xferring.

What a way to pander to maybe 300 sweats on an entire server. Shadowstrike is dying and is rife with raid loggers, sure shadow strike is “ok” for now but it’ll be dead in 2 months. You’re literally locking a community down for the people who complain. I would sacrifice 200ms to be able to have community and do content outside of raids.

Open up Oce for transfers and those who want to stay can, it’s a freaking choice. Let us that want to go, go.


I’ve tried asking for the server discord since the server was up but to my surprise no one has ever linked it to me, anyhow I’d love to be on a more active server where I can get dungeon invites as a healer and also possibly make more gold it took me 3 weeks to farm for my mount here which on any other server would have taken me 5 days - the list goes on but you get the point

You don’t even play SoD mate, you have no opinion on his comment.

Thats fine, you and your raiders who want to stay can stay, atleast allow us the option to leave. I dont want to be held hostage here


Just leave it as RP PvP and let us transfer? Can’t play the game rn on dead server

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I do, however, have access to the internet, where it’s very easy to see actual real numbers instead of typing garbage into the forums.

Just want you to pipe down, you ain’t important and the server doesn’t need you lmao

This is a big fat LIE. As it works now this “feature” doesn’t even exist.

Which of your characters is blacklisted?

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