Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

i’ll risk it for ya mate

Please allow me and my guild to leave shadowstrike ASAP. I’m sick of doing h3 with 18 ppl


Post on main stop hiding on alts.

anyone can join the discord channel, i mean what in the discord channel is the pole

It’s in the announcements channel.

yet he won’t re roll… so its basically wants every handed to him at the expense of the majority, too many selfish people

right ok. ive only every needed to use the Shadowstrike Alliance so didnt know there was one for both

Hahahaha another stupid comment man your on fire today

i didn’t even know there was a poll. and many others in our guild didn’t know either.

From what it sounds like this poll / discord had the same like-minded individuals?? and not really a representation of the greater community…

why? so you can look at my grey parses and tell me that it wouldn’t notice a difference playing on a US Server?

BigChad took it upon himself in p1 to make a discord to blacklist people and crap like that, and now thinks he owns the community speaking points for a poll for all of OCE sad

It’s been advertised in public to a 3000 member discord, spammed in game and pushed out via all guild leadership to pass onto their members.
If you have any other suggestions on how to get a better sample size of the active playerbase on this realm, let me know.

It seems there is a number of players (primarily on Shadowstrike) that do not want to move to the mega-server. Why does this block those players that do want to transfer?
If players don’t want to transfer they remain where they are, don’t they?
Please open up transfers from Penance.


Once again, incorrect. I did not create this discord, or the blacklist.

You really don’t like me do you, are you on the blacklist? It would explain a lot.

I have no idea who you are.

Nah just think it’s sad that people took it upon themselves and thought it was a needed necessity which it has made another divide in the community

i think the numbers best represent the current active community really which is sad and the main reason I want off this rock

Having played Wow back when there were no AUS/OCE servers it was not great with the added ping. I’m certainly not a fan of having to go back to that and would likely end my SOD journey (I’m sure others are not as fussed).

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i played on bleeding hollow back in the day, these people don’t truly understand the concept of lag and timezones.

Try to keep it constructive people.
I’m starting to think they should limit posts here to at least 1 per hour.
If you want to dismantle Bigchad’s point and are on SS just go to the discord and vote, it will at least be productive in a sense. Although I’m not sure how much stock Blizz would put on an external poll given people who can vote may not even have a sub.

Pretty sure Blizz see account posts with a character tag, I doubt alt posting should fool them this late in the game, given these forums have been up for 20 years.

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He is the owner, we call him the bigchad afterall