Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

so you can not do the free server server transfer… but you can do a paid one and it will work

A discord poll should not be the deciding factor for a billion dollar company trapping thousands of paying customers on a dying server against their will.


Blizzard directly asked for feedback from the OCE community.
So, I highlighted the request for feedback, created a poll based on that feedback, and shared it full public with everyone in the community discord and in game.

The first available option on the poll was ‘yes i do want to merge’ lol. This is nothing about me being a champion for the server, I simply offered a vehicle to collect useful data.

It’s a lot more useful than spamming up this thread with personal attacks and cry screaming.

They didn’t go to you personally so just drop it mate?

Neither work we’re stuck because a small portion want to stay.

wait, we can actually pay to get off this server?
I’m happy to settle for this tbh

No you are trapped, make sure to /spit on Bigchad when you see him in game.

BigChad just on his high horse

Bro thinks blizzard called on him, the ultimate discord moderator to make a poll.

He has been waiting his whole life for this.


100% elitism mind frame thinking the world revolves around him, legit simp

just what i have seen in discord. i not even seeing the option for the transfer for my char on lone wolf server.

Meh ill just unsub and play on WG until it runs out hope others do the same

Or alternatively transfer SS players to Penance.

Still cant find this so called poll. Ive asked twice now and ive seen others ask where is the link to the pole, are you all too scared now to link it?

I’m not posting the direct discord link here, in the most active thread on the US forums, to be brigaded by americans.

If you want to find it, as i have said multiple times, you can simply google shadowstrike community discord or ask in game.

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lol thought so there you go mate.

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The poll isn’t even worded properly anyway, the way it’s written insinuates that the server would be merged in to a mega realm and not that players would be able to migrate off the realm.

What do you mean “thought so”?
Yes, I am scared that the discord will be brigaded, obviously. Any moron would understand that is a potential problem.
I’m not going to risk that just for forum clout.

Ask in game.

The Penance discord poll showed well above 90% of players were intent on transferring to Wild Growth. The amount of damage caused today will be impossible to repair for Penance, the final nail in the coffin. The only hope is that transfers are opened to Wild Growth ASAP.

Don’t care about Shadow Strike and not going to speak for them, these two servers shouldn’t be confused.