Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

You clearly have a weird personal issue with me.
If you have some useful feedback about the poll, go ahead, otherwise just don’t reply, freak :slight_smile:

Then it shouldnt matter if the people who arent to transfer off

Not everything revolves around you, like you’ve tried to make it through a discord server, move on. Freak

Yeh minority like the small 450 players who took your poll

How is a public opinion poll about me? Explain clearly, for everyone to understand, please.

Imagine getting held hostage by a discord poll.


Is that what it said? read it again lmao. idiot

So what exactly is your problem, other than with me, personally? Please explain it clearly.

Crazius, why are you even commenting?? you quit your guild and the SS community like a month ago? then rerolled on some no name server?

Not just penance let us from shadowstrike leave this dead server. please dont cater to the loud minority.


you and your little community thinking theyre entitled enough to have a discord to run the server is quite cringe. Elitism bullcrap that happens in that server is legit trash. As you said you aren’t even playing SoD, why is your opinion even valid here?

i’m certain you do, because it clearly comes natural to you

You seem to be championing an effort to trap thousands of players on a dying server against their will. You are kind of a total freak.

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He already said he don’t care about the oceanic players or what they want he just wants to go play on NA end of story.

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Disappointing decision Blizz regarding the lack of free character movement for OCE players.
It does seem like there were a few organised groups that put in the effort to sway the decision. You guys need a better way to sample the population that isn’t based on forum posts because it’s prone to significant bias.


It’s a fully public poll that was advertised in game and pushed through all guild leadership channels.
I have zero “control” over the results. It’s entirely community driven, and public, within the control of the players on shadowstrike.

This NOTHING to do with my opinion, I am just sharing the collected data. Have you even seen the poll?
What is so hard about understanding this?

projecting much sounds alot like you. lol

within the controls of the loser who runs the shadow strike discord.

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Who doesn’t play SoD currently.

No one asked for your input mate or to collect data, move on.
We can do it as according to this forum post