Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

We look forward to Penance to Wild Growth transfers being part of the next update.


I agree, penance should be FCMd to Wild Growth

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Let us off… the dead server Penance.

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Plenty of Shadowstrike players are happy.


How can we find this poll?
Not sure if you can post links on this forum, but what do we need to google/type to find the poll?

I also concede on further investigation that the sample size for the poll was more than enough to justify the outcome . it is a pity more didn’t respond and whilst I still (pessimistically so) dont think this was the blizzard linch pin some do , I do think it was a pure Poll

You type “shadowstrike community discord” into google.
Or, ask in game.

I just read you’ve quit wow, why not just let go and move on?

Whether or not you end up trapped on a dead server should not be left up to a community vote.

Dont join it, for cringers BigChad saddist

personally I look forward to a week or month into the future when SS discord starts to implode after the ppl who kept quiet leave the server when the xfers open up. Purely just for the comical salt of FAAFO

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Community opinion should always be taken into account when making this kind of decision , its sad it doesnt happen more often in wow

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The move from OCE to US via FCM was purely optional? Right?

If folks want to stay, more power to them, let them stay.

And to those who want to return to pre-2014 days when we all played on US servers, let them enjoy their ‘Classic Wow’ as it always was with 110-240ms latency. Many of us from that era also played DAOC or EQ under that latency and it was they way it was… classic.

I’m not following the decision to prevent those who want to leave, because there are some players on another server, who don’t want to move voluntarily? Which is all the FCM enable, the free movement from dying servers to US megaserver of classic joy.

Let’s assume that there’s a financial burden to the lil vm that runs a classic server. Take it one step further and assume that the demand is slow low, that those two OCE dying servers share resources somewhere. The rationale I’m hearing is that if the voluntary move, doesn’t move enough people over, it wont be viable to keep running the little vm pair running.

However if the player base that want to move to the megaserver, can’t so they just quit, give up and cease playing on the lil stranded vm, then it’s same outcome as if they left to play on the megaserver of classic joy and left those behind on the dying server.

A dead server is dead either way, if it’s population is unsustainable - doesn’t matter if that’s because everyone left or just stopped logging in.

FCM should be available to those who want it, those who don’t let them enjoy their dying server as it is.


Paying customers are being denied a service that every other server is being provided because some losers made a 3rd party poll. Not a way to run a business.


That’s not true, I’m playing other versions of wow currently as I lost interest in SoD around the extrmeley long/dead ST phase.
I’m still part of/active in the community discord, so I am simply trying to centralize and quantify feedback. Feedback that blizz asked for.

perfectly said!

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Thats ridiculous mate , no one is being denied anything , you can choose to remake your toon on any server , Your choice to continue playing is personal and if you think that this poll was the only reason they decided to wait your naive


It’s the same as the people who demanded that we not be allowed to do MC twice a week because they only want to do it once.

Control freaks that demand the ability to force people to play the game the way they want.

Get off it mate. Discord wow server community is sad as, elitism at its finest.

Shadowstrike are happy just a vocal minority crying they didn’t get what they want thank you.

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