Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

whats the link to your poll?
Let me and many others here cast our vote?

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Yeah and then when everything youā€™ve said has been debunked you should know when to fold. GG

Itā€™s wild seeing this thread triple in size after how Blizzard dropped the ball.

Best thing for them to do now is apologize, acknowledge they listened to a small minority compared to the silent majority, and open up FCMs from OCE servers.

Anything else for any length of time is honestly a travesty and an injustice on their part. Hoping for good news for all of you OCE homies by tomorrow at the latest.


I will copy paste what I have posted previously:

Well, you can see from the poll data that about 20-25% of people want to merge.

If we apply this literally and at random, that would mean each raid team would see ~20% of their roster disappear.

At the same time FCMs are open, new characters are not being created (not like many are making new chars in SoD this late anywayā€¦)

Losing 20% of your roster at this stage is essentially a death sentence to a raid team/guild, especially if itā€™s happening everywhere else too. This would encourage guild leadership to transfer the guild out of pure survival, not because they want to.
This exact topic has been in discussion in the private guild leadership channels on the community discord, which obviously I can see

Let the pve players free to move off Penanceā€¦

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Anmd here you are respondingā€¦caring , makes me all warm and fuzzy.

nothings been debunked show me one post thats been debunked buddy or simply dont respond

Iā€™m not posting the direct disc link here to get brigaded by americans.

You can find the shadowstrike discord via google, or just ask in game, invite links are freely generated by everyone.

Itā€™s in the announcement channel, fully public, no roles required.
Go ahead and vote!

you have the choice of merging guilds, donā€™t be facetious.

Donā€™t forget, everyone loves SS so much and you have 500 people to keep playing with :wink:

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Bigchad literally debunk your take on polls, just take the L and eat some Vegemite

Hey folks, quick update on this as many of you have noticed these transfers are notā€¦ transferring. We have temporarily closed the transfers to stop any further attempts, everyone who has queued up a transfer, you have not lost anything and you can login and play your characters as normal on their original realm.

We will have an update for you as soon as possible in the morning on next steps.


so what would you then say if 75% of people wanted to move?

nothing different i bet. you and your 3 buddies would still be yelling across all forums saying that your raid group would be destroyed.

Regardless of what size the opposing vote is; you guys would always be screaming on forums.

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Thats a fair point but not releveant to people personal choice in the matter , you would simply have to consolidate guilds on SS to form raids , how you choose to expericne the game should not be decided by 1/8 th of the server population , its just simply not fair.

As Elrons so fond of saying they are all paying customers too

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Blizzard clearly only looks at number of posts and not content, so Iā€™m going to spam this post with msgs that demand transfers,

Dear Blizzard Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request the ability to transfer characters from Shadowstrike to Crusader Strike. Many players, including myself, feel that this transfer would greatly enhance our gaming experience and strengthen our community.

We appreciate the hard work you put into maintaining the game, and we believe that this option would benefit a large number of players who are eager to join friends and engage in new adventures.

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your positive response!

Best regards,


cringe asf discord pansys

We have polls to prove SS should stay in Oce! Let penance leave itā€™s just a pve care bear realm

Unhinged behavior to attempt to trap everyone else on a dying server with you.

Hope you guys are rethinking your last minute decision regarding OCE. The last four hours of this thread should be a pretty clear indicator of how upset youā€™ve made people.


I would say that 75% want to move.

Is there some crazy pills going around that I have missed? All i am doing in this thread is sharing the ONLY DATASET we have on this topic, it neutral, and I do not have some weird agenda.

Just go read the poll for yourself, it will settle any strange delusions

Despite the antagonistic attitude of this post its inherently right , let Penance Xfer


We look forward to Penance to Wild Growth transfers being part of the next update.